Today, at the 4th ascending moon phase, with the sun entering Virgo, is celebrated the 700th birthday of Sripada Srivallabha. He is the first avatar of Lord Dattatreya during the present Kali Yuga, the dark age.
Srīpāda was born at sunrise on a day of Ganesh Chaturdhi in the year 1320 AD. Ganesh Chaturdhi is a festival in honor of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity, which celebrated on fourth ascending moon phase in Virgo. Thus, Srīpāda’s birthday is annually celebrated on the day of Ganesh Chaturdhi.
Here you find more about Sripada and about his biography. The English and German versions of the book are published and distributed by WTT – soon, there will be a reprint of the English version by Dhanistha India.
It’s now nearly 6 years ago that I came into conscious contact with Sripada, and it had a very strong impact on my life. I often blogged about it. At the moment, I’m proof-reading the French version of his biography – translated by my friend Sébastien from New Caledonia. Hopefully, the book will be published soon.
A greeting or request for Sripada’s blessing is: “Sripada Rajam Sharanam Prapadhye”, meaning: “We offer ourselves to the king who is Srīpāda and we live under his guidance and direction”. Here you can download / listen to the song Srīpāda Rājam Saranam Prapadhye.