Photo from Candice Ramirez via El Dorado County Watch
With the drought ever present, and little to no signs of it getting any better especially in Northern California, it leaves many of us wondering, “Did you seriously just toss a lit cigarette out your car window?” Seriously? No, really, “Did you actually just really really actually do that?”
As if the hay colored hills along the freeways were not an ever-present reminder enough, or the dust storms that block your view while driving on the 5, or the fire that’s currently engulfing thousands of acres in Lake Berryessa, and the photos taken from miles away of the large pillars of smoke from that fire.

Photo taken by: Chrissyj987 Instagram
Or maybe even the fact that the last time we got significant, consistent, multiple times a week rain, was in December. DECEMBER. I’m not talking about the random drizzle rain we get twice a month that though is a nice thing to get—we’ll take any rain at this point—is not enough to solve this drought.
So now really, “Did you just toss a lit cigarette out your car window?”

Photo taken by: Jennifer Justice

Photo taken by: Jennifer Justice