Lifestyle Magazine

To the Boston Marathon Bombers

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

I wrote this as a guest post for another blog. I felt so strongly about it that I thought I’d share it with all of you as well. Please leave a comment and share your feelings also.

Hello Everyone! I hope all is well with you. I’m writing this blog post in a restaurant because I’m waiting to get my car fixed. Boo! Waiting for repairs can be a time waster. However, today it’s working out great because I get to write this post for all of you. I’m killing two birds with one stone. I love it when I can do that! It makes me feel so…organized and efficient.  Now, on to my topic.

Yesterday as I was cooking dinner for my family, I turned on the TV to get the horrific news that there were two explosions at the Boston Marathon. I was blown away by this! Why would anyone want to do something like that during the Boston Marathon?

According to reports they don’t have a person of interest in custody and no arrests have been made. The Boston Police Department has asked for everyone’s patience while they process the crime scene.

Is this a terrorist act? And if it is, why set off an explosion during the Boston Marathon? What possible political statement can be made from this?

These questions course through my brain as I write this post without any answers coming to the surface. I finally draw two conclusions; one, it is a terrorist act and the organization behind this is sending the message, “we can get you anytime, anywhere.” Or two, this is a form of domestic terrorism.

In either case, I am appalled by this event as I’m sure many Americans are. There are many problems that we as a nation are facing, but even so, we are a great nation. We’ve taken enormous strides to better ourselves and improve our way of life. Why else would people leave their own countries and flock here?

As I ponder this situation, I wonder why these terrorists are even here. I know some of them have come to do damage, but why waste your time?  Do they really believe their actions will change anything? If they hate this country so much why don’t they go back to where they came from? And if these malcontents were born in the US and are unhappy here… leave. These seem like very straight forward and simple solutions. I’m wondering why these terrorists can’t figure it out.

After all, we as a nation have better things to do than clean up the messes they’ve made. We’ve got problems to solve.

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