Society Magazine

"To Make a Commitment Or to Avoid Commitment"

Posted on the 24 December 2012 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

That choice has tremendous effects on the individual firstly and on society in the end yet a false understanding of what it means to be free is leading far too many to choose unwisely:

But there is no denying the crisis that threatens it to its foundations – especially in the western world. It was noticeable that the Synod repeatedly emphasized the significance, for the transmission of the faith, of the family as the authentic setting in which to hand on the blueprint of human existence. This is something we learn by living it with others and suffering it with others. So it became clear that the question of the family is not just about a particular social construct, but about man himself – about what he is and what it takes to be authentically human. The challenges involved are manifold. First of Commitmentall there is the question of the human capacity to make a commitment or to avoid commitment. Can one bind oneself for a lifetime? Does this correspond to man’s nature? Does it not contradict his freedom and the scope of his self-realization? Does man become himself by living for himself alone and only entering into relationships with others when he can break them off again at any time? Is lifelong commitment antithetical to freedom? Is commitment also worth suffering for? Man’s refusal to make any commitment – which is becoming increasingly widespread as a result of a false understanding of freedom and self-realization as well as the desire to escape suffering – means that man remains closed in on himself and keeps his “I” ultimately for himself, without really rising above it. Yet only in self-giving does man find himself, and only by opening himself to the other, to others, to children, to the family, only by letting himself be changed through suffering, does he discover the breadth of his humanity. When such commitment is repudiated, the key figures of human existence likewise vanish: father, mother, child – essential elements of the experience of being human are lost.

-Pope Benedict XVI - CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO THE ROMAN CURIA - Clementine Hall - Friday, 21 December 2012

Words of wisdom from il Papa.

Lord, help us to hear and heed them.

H/T Wheat&Weeds.

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