What about 'inspirer'? Rather, I’d like to imagine that I, a blogger slash influencer slash genuine-writer-in-the-day am a small source of inspiration for even just one person. I don’t mean that in an arrogant ‘I’m such an inspiration o m g’ way, I mean that in a way that encompasses inspiring somebody to read a little every day, to step outside of their comfort zone, to start their own blog or to try that TV show I’ve been banging on about. Perhaps it’s inspiring somebody to stop and smell the roses, to find everyday magic even when life is gloriously mundane and full of constant unspoken pressures. I feel that unspoken pressure all the time and I can’t even put my finger on it. Instead, I’m paring things right back: when I began writing this blog in 2008, I didn’t imagine that even one person would read these digital pages. I felt so unconfident that I couldn’t even imagine speaking to one new person never mind inspiring them to do something. This blog is where I can try and do some of those things.
Kaye and I shot this set of photos over the weekend and I couldn’t help but feel intense gratitude for this online community. To be able to speak to a near stranger and laugh candidly and chat politics and men and futures as well as lipsticks, then have her shoot photographs of me. These almost 9 years have been such a rollercoaster (insert less cliche terms here guys). I feel inspired nearly every day to push myself and try anew and try for myself to do what you everyday girls also do.
Photos by Kaye Ford.
(‘Amara’ off-shoulder top, Honey + Chai;
Raw edge hem Jamie jeans, Topshop;
Pink scalloped edge suede mules, H&M;
Vintage Chanel 2.55.)

To inspire
14.6.17 The other evening, whilst on one of my 2am finishes, I ended up one of those strange thought spirals that culminate in you questioning the meaning of life and on this occasion: social media. It’s odd, isn’t it, how a mere word can lend so many connotations and spark so many translations and meanings in different individuals’ minds? A blogger is instantly a ‘fake writer’ (not true), an influencer is instantly ‘somebody that uses their audience’… I don’t really like the thought of any of these nouveau labels that have been forced upon us.What about 'inspirer'? Rather, I’d like to imagine that I, a blogger slash influencer slash genuine-writer-in-the-day am a small source of inspiration for even just one person. I don’t mean that in an arrogant ‘I’m such an inspiration o m g’ way, I mean that in a way that encompasses inspiring somebody to read a little every day, to step outside of their comfort zone, to start their own blog or to try that TV show I’ve been banging on about. Perhaps it’s inspiring somebody to stop and smell the roses, to find everyday magic even when life is gloriously mundane and full of constant unspoken pressures. I feel that unspoken pressure all the time and I can’t even put my finger on it. Instead, I’m paring things right back: when I began writing this blog in 2008, I didn’t imagine that even one person would read these digital pages. I felt so unconfident that I couldn’t even imagine speaking to one new person never mind inspiring them to do something. This blog is where I can try and do some of those things.
Kaye and I shot this set of photos over the weekend and I couldn’t help but feel intense gratitude for this online community. To be able to speak to a near stranger and laugh candidly and chat politics and men and futures as well as lipsticks, then have her shoot photographs of me. These almost 9 years have been such a rollercoaster (insert less cliche terms here guys). I feel inspired nearly every day to push myself and try anew and try for myself to do what you everyday girls also do.
Photos by Kaye Ford.
(‘Amara’ off-shoulder top, Honey + Chai;
Raw edge hem Jamie jeans, Topshop;
Pink scalloped edge suede mules, H&M;
Vintage Chanel 2.55.)