In Lisbon on Wednesday, March 30th — ‘Mariupol,’ an interactive NFT artwork designed to raise money for Ukraine, will be on exhibit at Europe’s leading event for non-fungible assets, the Non-Fungible Conference. The cooperation of 38 artists from several sectors of digital art resulted in the creation of the project, which will be shown on a giant screen wall at the event’s center. The conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 4 and 5, 2022. All sales and royalties will be contributed to Voices of Children, a non-profit organization that assists children who have been victims of conflict with their mental health.
‘Mariupol’ is a dynamic, interactive, and multi-layered artwork that brings together 38 artists to remember the commencement of yet another dark chapter in our continent’s history.
The item is a “living” work of art whose final appearance is selected by the owner. Collectors have complete control over the visual state of the image, which may be altered at any time, exactly as with other Async. art digital artworks. This collaborative artwork is divided into thirteen unique levels, each of which has between two and four varied states. The layer’s owner determines which state shows on the Master artwork. In this instance, the item will be made available to a total of 14 collectors (1 master NFT and 13 layer NFTs). By putting a bid, anybody may acquire a layer of the artwork.
Collaborative art emerges from the miseries of war
For the first time in history, the explosive force of the bomb could be paired with the destructive potential of airpower and artillery in the early twentieth century. Guernica’s 1937 bombing was the world’s first aerial bombardment of civilians, killing up to 1,600 people and eliciting international condemnation. We are once again confronted with images of thousands of people being cruelly killed on the European continent 85 years after Guernica was bombed.
These artists have gathered together in less than three weeks to represent the atrocities of the civilian bombing.
“Like everyone else on this continent and throughout the world, I’m enraged by the images we’re seeing from Ukraine of innocent folks being bombed once again,” says John Karp, the artist who created Non-Fungible Conference and one of the artwork’s curators. “Horror, scorn, and pain drive people to act.” It motivates onlookers to take action. I hope that this poem serves as a testament to the power of community and collaboration, as well as proof that, although the world still has an abundance of evil and suffering, there is also an abundance of good.”
The Guild supervised the construction of the artwork. The Guild is an independent, self-funded, and decentralized artist-led collective that allows collaborations amongst artists from all over the globe.
The Guild was formed to bring artists from all around the world together to illustrate the tremendous possibilities of collaboration. Given the dire circumstances, the international world is uniting to aid Ukraine in the best possible way. The Guild, the Museum of Crypto Art, and the Non-Fungible Conference collaborated with 38 artists to build a blockchain masterpiece using Async Art’s dynamic technology.
Each artist may communicate a distinctive view of their encounter with the work via their unique method. It is a modern interpretation of Picasso’s Guernica, influenced by current events and reflecting the harshness and tragedy of war. It acts as a reminder to avoid repeating the past.
There will always be an element of sadness, but there will also be an element of hope. The art serves as both a declaration and a model for the rest of the world. Fights are superfluous in modern society. Everybody suffers. As artists and makers, we have the power to convey our voice and strength together and cooperatively via our canvas in opposition to violent authority. We wish to demonstrate this strength to the world via our creative process and artwork.
“Everyone has seen the devastation and barbarism in Ukraine,” says crashbl, one of the countless artists involved. “Just as Guernica was created in the aftermath of a horrific blast, our collaborative, multi-layered artwork represents a similar scenario today. “Today, we see it through a variety of decentralized digital media lenses, but the underlying fact remains the same. We are all witnesses to a battle that defies logic and comprehension.”
Artists Involved
0xMJ, Rutger van der Tas, Jetski, Ytje Veenstra, ROBNESS, Skeenee, Mightymoose, jivinci, crashblossom 0xMJ, Rutger van der Tas, Jetski, Ytje Veenstra, ROBNESS, Skeenee, Mightymoose, jivinci, and crashblossom Gary Cartlidge, oficinastk, orabel, emmavauloup, Shortcut, 8thproject, fabianospeziari, XERAK, abysms, carlasafe XERAK, Gary Cartlidge, oficinastk, orabel, Jn, emmavauloup, Shortcut, 8thproject, Louis16art, fabianospeziari, Gary Cartlidge a Nino Arteiro is a visual artist from Brazil. Magusz, dasNeves, BOOYASAN, Jose Ramos, Airco Caravan, Asianjunkies, Gert Jan Akerboom, LUVRworldwide, Marcotic, Niels Broszat, Tom Abbink, ejthek, Pule the doctor, Sparrow, Mattia Cuttini, Miss Al Simpson, Agoria, Teto
About the Conference on the Non-Fungible
The Non-Fungible Conference (NFC) will make its European debut on April 4th and 5th, 2022, at Lisbon’s bustling Pavilho Carlos Lopes. The two-day event will include compelling presentations, talks, seminars, parties, and life-changing activities that will bring together artists, projects, platforms, collectors, and investors from across the globe.
Over 100 speakers and 100 artists will be on hand to share their experiences and viewpoints with a gathering of 1500 eager to learn more about the NFT Revolution. The major sections are Gaming, Art, Collectibles, and Metaverse, which examine the fundamentals, current state, and future of this cultural juggernaut.
The three art galleries are a focal point of NFC, and visitors will be able to meet the artists. On displays in three distinct zones, a total of 100 international artists will be featured.
The Guild’s Origins
The Guild NFT is an artist-led, self-funded collective dedicated to fostering partnerships amongst artists from diverse backgrounds, from pioneers to emerging and undiscovered treasures. It was founded on Ethereum in early Q3 of 2020.
The original Guild, which started as a collaboration of artists working on large-scale art projects, saw a leadership turnover after just a few months due to internal upheavals. It was subsequently recreated in late December 2020, under new leadership, with four core team members. They coalesced around a shared but different vision for The Guild’s members and how the organization would fit into the future of the decentralized ecosystem.
“The Guild’s primary objective is to elevate and empower its members via our distinctive ideas and connections. We believe in both art and decentralization, the latter of which enables artists to flourish in previously unimaginable ways. In this light, we can see how important artists are in both the NFT reality and the present metaverse.
The proceeds from each artwork are distributed according to our system, with the majority of the money going to the artists. We are avid proponents of circular and sustainable economies, and every one of our smart and outstanding artists is devoted to positively impacting their communities.
Our growth has been mostly organic, relying on our time and energy as capital. Through multiple large collaborations and commercial releases, we established ourselves as the first non-blockchain specific hybrid DAO and the FIRST known Non-Fungible Organization (NFO).
We are futurists, agents of change, parents, activists, punks, apes, pixelfreaks, developers, musicians, poets, and artists, but most importantly, we are a global family.
We have the word “community” ingrained in our DNA, which explains why it is so often used.”
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