Debate Magazine

To Hate Or Not to Hate

Posted on the 29 December 2014 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
hateThe Jewish people have every reason to despise Arabs and Muslims.
{How do you like that statement?}
In fact, the Jewish people have every moral reason to despise Arabs and Muslims.
This is because the Arab and Muslim majority population in the Middle East has oppressed the Jewish minority in that part of the world since the time of Muhammad.
According to Efraim Karsh - the founding director and professor emeritus of Middle East and Mediterranean Studies at King's College, London - there was at least 200,000 Jews in Israel at the time of the Arab-Muslim conquests in the 7th century but that by the nineteenth-century 95 percent of the Jewish population was wiped out, leaving a mere 24,000 in the area by the time Mark Twain showed up to wonder where everyone had went.
{See Efraim Karsh, Palestine Betrayed, Yale University Press, 2010, pg. 8.}
The truth is that while Christians were beating the crap out of Jews throughout the Medieval period in Europe, the Arab-Muslims were doing likewise within Israel.
The Arabs have treated the Jews with little more than contempt and violence since they first started chopping off our heads in the 7th century for refusing submission.
Furthermore, the Arabs come from the Arabian peninsula, while the Jews come from Judea along the eastern Mediterranean coast, yet we are constantly told by Arab-Muslims and western-secularists that Arabs are the true owners of our small bit of land.

Because Arabs, Muslims, and western-secularists have decided that historically Jewish land actually belongs to Arabs it means, therefore, by definition, that the Jews (also known as "Israel") are occupying and exploiting and murdering and abusing the "indigenous Palestinian population."
There are 6 million Jews in the Middle East and around 400 million Arabs who control 99.9 percent of the landmass, yet we are constantly told that the fault for the ongoing war against the Jews is due to Jewish behavior.  Whenever we are killed by Jihadis we are told by our alleged western allies that the murder of Jews is a matter of righteous resistance against the occupation.
That is, the western Left largely considers Arab-Muslim efforts to murder Jews as a perfectly understandable response to the Jewish persecution of the "native" Arabs.
In addition to this, of course, Arabs are currently on a killing spree (intifada) against Jews throughout Israel, but the west could hardly care less.
The most recent attack was upon an Ayala Shapira, an eleven year old Jewish girl who got fire-bombed in her father's car.  She may live, but if she does will do so with scars from third degree burns over fifty percent of her body throughout the rest of her life.
{Speaking for myself, quite frankly, I would rather be dead.}
So, yes, when defeated conquerors kill Jewish children on the land where we come from and when their western-left friends tell us that our tiny bit of land actually belongs to our conquerors, hatred develops within the Jewish heart.
Given the rise of political Islam, with all its righteous and glorious head-chopping, it is not surprising that some Jewish people would come to despise Islam as a whole.
I know that your average western-leftist would consider the natural Jewish response to centuries of persecution to be "racist" but it is not.  On the contrary, it is "racist" to hold Jews to a standard of perfection that people never hold anyone else to.
What I would suggest, however, is that to hate Muslims, as a whole, or Arabs, as a group of people, is  nonetheless vile.  It may be understandable given the history of the Jewish people under the boot of Muslim imperialism from the 7th century until the twentieth, but it remains unethical to hate people merely for being born into an Islamic household.
Our problem is not with Muslims.
Our problem is only with those who seek to advance Islam onto the rest of us.
From a tactical standpoint, opposing the entire Muslim world is foolish.  We are outnumbered by a factor of over 100 to 1.
From an ethical standpoint, it simply is unacceptable because it is the political movement that is the significant enemy of the Jewish people, not your average Muslim seeking to put food on the table.
I will never condemn my Muslim friends and neighbors merely for being Muslim and it is entirely unethical for any of us to do so.
If I am required to despise Muslims, in general, than leave me out.

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