Phony people are a turn off. They can also be quite humorous.
They also tend to annoy with their over-acting and hard attempts to convince.
Some who are fake swear that they get over. I don’t know why they waste their time.
It is so much easier to be genuine.
I understand not revealing everything or playing the part (going along with the program even if it is not what one agrees with for the sake of harmony and etc….) within certain situations. That is not being bogus- that is just the necessary motions of flowing through society.
The sad truth, though, is that sometimes what is fake is taken as what is real by those who are deceived or who do not know any better.
What is real can also be taken as fake by those who do not believe, do not understand, or who do not give the benefit of the doubt.
A fact within life is that just because something is presented as reliable does not always give credence to the story or to the one who is telling it.
At the same time, just because something may sound far out, uncommon, or not likely does not mean that it is not so.
There are many people, many circumstances, many ideas, many preferences, many beliefs, many personalities and distinctions within character.
This is a big wide crazy world!
No matter what- always be real and true to who you are regardless of how you may appear or how things may seem.
Authenticity outweighs the limitations reflected by others, strength overtakes and endures, confidence is the power to maintain without caring about the opinions, accusations or judgments of others.– latoya lawrence