According to the official notification, the Directorate of Technical Education (DoTE), Tamil Nadu, has announced the TNEA 2nd Round Seat Allotment Result 2020. Candidates can visit the official website – to check their results. Alternatively, candidates can check their selection status and seat allotment status by clicking on the link provided below.
Currently, DoTE is conducting TNEA counselling for the third and fourth rounds. Choice filling procedure is underway for the third round while the fee deposit process is going on for the 4th round. Candidates with ranks between 35,168 and 70,300 can participate in the third round, and those with ranks between 70,301 and 1,10,873 are eligible for the fourth round counseling.
How to Check TNEA Seat Allotment Results 2020?
In order to make the process of checking the selection status easier for the candidate, DoTE has published the TNEA Seat Allotment Results for the second round on the exam portal. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to check their results:
- Visit the official website –
- On the left side, you can see the section “Provisional Allotment.”
- Under that, click on “Academic Round-2.”
- A PDF file will be displayed on the screen.
- Search for your individual allotment status.
- Save a copy or take a printout for future reference.
Click here to check the second round allotment results directly.
Previous articleHBSE Admit Card 2020 Released for HOS and Compartment Examination Raghavendra is involved in writing education news and keeping a track of the latest news stories. With over a year as a journalist, his work includes everything from an increased focus on teaching techniques, public education challenges, and other issues in the education sector- both government and private. Contact – [email protected]