- Systematic underestimation of the age of selected alleles
- Predatory Fish Select for Coordinated Collective Motion in Virtual Prey
- Rapid evolution of Wolbachia incompatibility types
- Avoidance of roads and selection for recent cutovers by threatened caribou: fitness-rewarding or maladaptive behaviour?
- Weak Selection and Protein Evolution
- Patterns of Neutral Diversity Under General Models of Selective Sweeps
- Selective Sweeps in Multilocus Models of Quantitative Traits
- Distinct evolutionary patterns of morphometric sperm traits in passerine birds
- A selective force favoring increased G+C content in bacterial genes
- Evolutionary Dynamics of Strategic Behavior in a Collective-Risk Dilemma
- Evolution of Stress Response in the Face of Unreliable Environmental Signals
- Network Context and Selection in the Evolution to Enzyme Specificity
- Clade Age and Species Richness Are Decoupled Across the Eukaryotic Tree of Life
- Evolutionary medicine: its scope, interest and potential*
- The role of ‘soaking’ in spiteful toxin production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- On the evolutionary origins of the egalitarian syndrome
- Clade Age and Species Richness Are Decoupled Across the Eukaryotic Tree of Life

* Because I am meeting with Stephen Stearns when he visits MSU this Thursday, I will take an actual look at this review article. Paul Ewald was here last week, and we had a good talk about selection in pathogens and human disease. I also met with Randolph Nesse last semester, so evolutionary medicine has been in focus a lot lately.