Family Magazine

Tis the Season for Flu

By Umkhaloodie

So flu season really is upon us. Oodie has a fever of 39.1 , el7umdella it hasn’t gone higher. In the last half hour it has dropped to 38.8 only .3 but still better than 39+
I really have no idea what’s coming next. We started with flu/cold two weeks ago, he has had an antibiotic and that cleared things up for oh, all of one day…. Tonight he is back with runny nose, now a fever AND a chesty cough. Before we just had the runny nose :(
Horrible seeing him being sick. He actually feels like a radiator. He is lying beside me and I can feel the heat coming off him without touching him.
We had a tepid lukewarm bath, some panadol, some baby Ibrufen and sponged down about three times. He is now sleeping. I am actually afraid to sleep incase his temperature creeps back up so it may be a long night.
Inshallah he has a comfortable night and gets some rest and feels better tomorrow, it does mean, no school tomorrow :( he has already missed a week… Really didn’t want him to miss anymore school until at least next term but it can’t be helped!

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