New Year’s resolutions are something many of us will make each year, and although making those resolutions can be effective, not all of us will stick to them. Perhaps you’re fed up with not living by the promises you made to yourself while a little tipsy the night before? Here are a few tips to help stick to your New Year’s resolutions.
Be Realistic
When you’re setting goals for anything in life, it’s important to dream big but also to be realistic. Not every goal or resolution you make is going to be something you can ideally achieve within a small amount of time. Like learning a new language in six weeks isn’t something that you’re going to be able to do within that short space of time. If you’re trying to quit smoking, cut down slowly or try vaping from The Vape Mall. Take more realistic goals as your resolution, with the big goal being something you’re working towards achieving eventually. If your goals aren’t realistic, then it’s unlikely you’re going to stick to them.
Make A Plan
A plan is a great way to get down your objectives and the things you need in order to make this resolution happen. For example, if you’re aiming to lose weight during the year, then perhaps thinking about your first steps will help. A change in diet is going to be needed, and maybe you cut certain things out. You might want to note down that you need to join a gym or do X amount of sports classes that you find in your local area. Once you’ve laid out a plan, it’s going to be easier to follow than just making it up as you go.
Track Your Progress
Tracking your process is certainly helpful for seeing how far you’ve come, especially if you have moments of self-doubt. It’s good to give yourself some inspiration in times where you need it, and just to give yourself the opportunity to see the progress made is really good to have. Find a way of tracking it that makes it easy for you and that you can encourage yourself to do regularly. Don’t overcomplicate it, otherwise, you’ll find less motivation to do it on a daily basis.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
The most important thing to think about when you’re trying to stick to something is that everyone can have days where they fall off. It’s to be expected and something that will likely happen, but it’s essential not to beat yourself up about it. Everyone will have times where they want to give up permanently or give up for just a while, but it’s what you do to get back to where you need to be, that matters the most. So give yourself a break if you need it and then reward yourself when you get back on track.
Sticking with a resolution for the New Year can be difficult, but with the right tips, you can certainly help yourself win!
This post was a collaboration.