Ever considered whether you can or not proofread your own work finely?? Studies show that people are not very good at proofreading their own work. In fact, some of the best writers never proofread their own work simply because finding own flaws are the toughest thing to do. Their most excellent works are proofed by other people. This article gives essential tips that may well enable you to brush up on your proofreading ability all by yourself.
You should Read it out loud
Reading out loud is one of the most important or worthy proofreading techniques. It can be considered as an essential. It’s the most excellent method one may use against awkward and misplaced words. Therefore, it’s the easiest way to spot the gaffe one may have missed while writing. The other benefit of reading out loud lies in the ability of the technique to detect sentence and phrasing errors as well.
Vague words should be spotted
Perhaps there are words that one might have written but are ambiguous. They either alter meaning or mean something completely diverse. The most unsurpassed way to deal with such words is to look them up in the thesaurus. Mostly people get confused for Homophones and hence, they are the most commonly mistaken words. Make sure to use right words.
Refine the grammar
There are very few people who are grammatically strong or have a good vocabulary. Both the mentioned points are an essential to be one of the best writers’. Find different ways of correcting grammatical and spelling errors. One may use their high school grammar handbooks. Having a handbook for example, allows you to correct yourself when errors are met with. Probably it is the most CRITICAL step of proofreading.
Return and Recheck again
Every time you re-read some work, you find more errors in it. Therefore, surely one cannot find all the mistakes in just one sitting. According to specialists, the most excellent approach is stopping when you are done writing, then returning to check it later. The quintessence of this is to feel fresh and hence, target more mistakes than you could have done initially.
Let another read it
There are times when one may not realize their mistakes and it’s always easy to spot others’ mistakes. So, to end up with perfect piece of work it is advisable to get your work rechecked by someone else as well.
Following the above points, surely one can proofread their own work in a better way resulting in top notch work.