
Tips on How to Treat Split Ends with Natural Ingredients

Posted on the 07 November 2022 by Top10
Tips on how to treat split ends with natural ingredients

Tips on how to treat split ends with natural ingredients - You already know the article about Tips to reduce split endsthen in this article we will discuss about how to treat split ends. The following is tips on how to treat split ends with natural ingredients :

1. Olive oil
Because olive oil contains vitamins A, C and E. Olive oil is very suitable for treating split ends. How to treat split ends is very easy to do yourself at home. The trick is to apply olive oil to the scalp and hair that has been cleaned previously. Wrap the hair with a warm towel let stand 20 minutes rinse with clean water. This method is very proven results.

2. Avocado
Not only good to eat, avocado is also very good for hair. How to puree avocado plus egg white, apply on hair, let stand 20 minutes and rinse.

3. Honey, lemon and yogurt
The trick, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, and lemon mix and then apply on the scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Do the treatment 2 to 3 times a week.

4. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can also treat split ends, besides being useful for weight loss. How to treat split ends with apple cider vinegar is to mix cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil and add a little water. Apply on wet hair, let stand 15 minutes and rinse.

5. Counts
It turns out that in addition to being edible, eggs are also beneficial for branched hair. What is used is egg yolk and mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. Massage the hair up to the scalp and apply the mixture on top. Let stand 30-45 minutes rinse with warm water.

6. Consumption of water regularly 8 to 9 glasses in a day

In addition to external care, internal care is also needed by hair by consuming foods that contain protein, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

In this case you must know various how to treat split ends, so that the hair is always well maintained. Good luck and practice the methods above, hopefully it can help overcome your hair problems.

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