
Tips on How to Sleep Better – When Stress Gets in The Way

Posted on the 17 November 2020 by Melissa Jiggetts @jiggettsmelissa

Stress can affect you in a lot of ways, one of which being your sleep. Being kept awake at night due to stress can leave you feeling tired, agitated and impact the rest of your health too. So when dealing with stress, it’s important to find ways to stop it from affecting your sleep.

Take a look at some of the following ideas for what to do when stress stops you from sleeping.

Tips on How to Sleep Better – When Stress Gets in The Way

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Tackle the source of your stress head-on

Everyone can feel stressed from time to time, but if there are sources of persistent stress in your life, then you need to deal with it head-on. From problems at work to problems at home, it can help to share your feelings and ask for help where it’s needed. Sharing your problem with someone else can help lighten the load, helping you get to sleep easier at night.

Start a pre-bed routine

To be able to enjoy a more restful sleep, you need to put stress to bed! Having a pre-bed routine can be very useful, helping you to unwind and switch off from the events of the day to help put your body and mind into a relaxation mode. Having a bath, doing some meditation, or reading a book can all help with stress relief, helping you to clear your mind ready for bed.

Try some alternative remedies

If you’re struggling to sleep at night, you might want to consider some alternative therapies that might be able to help. A lot of people swear by essential oils and CBD products from to help them sleep. You could also try listening to relaxing music as well as making sure your bedroom is at a comfortable temperature and is nice and quiet to help you get some rest.

Get plenty of exercise

As you know, exercise is very important for your health. It can help you burn off excess energy, keep your weight within a healthy range, and it can help you with stress. Some of the best exercises for stress include running, yoga, pilates, and even high-intensity training – ideal for pushing yourself and getting a sweat on. Even going for a walk can help you beat some of the feelings of stress, so it’s great to get outside, get some fresh air, and take a step back for a little while. 

Remember to supplement exercise with a healthy, balanced diet. Cutting out excess sugar, caffeine and alcohol could have a big impact on your mood and how you deal with stress.

When stress starts affecting your sleep, you need to act quickly. Stress can affect you more when you’re tired, so by focusing on getting more sleep, you can help yourself get out of what can feel like an endless cycle! Most adults need around 8 hours sleep to function well, so if you’re not getting enough – stress could be to blame. Try adjusting your routine so that it’s more sleep-friendly to help beat stress. 

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