Lifestyle Magazine

Tips for Swim Moms

By Secondchancesgirl
Kraft-Heinz sponsored this post, but the opinions are my own.

This post is for all my fellow swim moms. Those of us that spend hours sitting on bleachers, monitoring seconds, traveling all over for competitions, buying swimsuits, and adjusting goggles. Being a swim mom is incredible (but exhausting), and raising a competitive swimmer is hard work. Honestly though, even with all the effort and time, there is nothing like watching your swimmer compete! Nothing!

Tips for Swim Moms

I’ve learned many things along my swim mom journey and I want to share some with you. I have been fortunate to make some kind swim mom friends that have helped me learn so much along the way.Tips for Swim Moms

  1. Always carry spare goggles. Nothing is worse than being in a competition and not having spare goggles. Your swimmer relies heavily on their goggles so if possible, when shopping, purchase 3-4 pairs of the goggles they like.
  2. Learn to live on the go! I leave my house at 7am and return at 8:45pm. I have become an expert at living on the go. My kids have swim practice from 6pm-8pm Monday through Friday and the pool is far from home. I make sure to carry snacks and meals with me in a cooler when I leave home in the morning so we are prepared throughout the day. Some items we always have handy are Capri Sun Sport drinks and Planters P3 Protein Snacks.
Even though they are in the pool, I have to keep them hydrated and nutrition is key. I don’t let my kids snack on chips and junk food, especially during competitions. They need protein and electrolytes to keep them going. Luckily, the P3 protein packs have 13g of protein, and the Capri Sun Sport pouches have 25% fewer calories than leading sport drinks, so I can be confident that I’m giving my kids what they need to refuel. You can find Capri Sun Sport at Walmart in the juice aisle, and the Planters P3 packs in the nut and seed aisle.

Tips for Swim Moms
Tips for Swim Moms

3. Create a savings account. If you already have a savings account, that’s great but get one started for swim expenses. Competition season is intense. Sometimes, we have 2 to 3 competitions in one month and they aren’t always close by. Save money for hotel stays, meals, meet fees, and equipment.4. Boredom busters. As a swim mom, you will spend hours at the pool. This is the perfect time to catch up on your reading, exercise, blog, talk to friends, etc… Those hours at the pool are my “me” time!5. Savor the moments. You are your child’s biggest fan. They are working incredibly hard in that pool and deserve to be cheered on. Savor this time with your children because once it’s gone, it’s gone! Cheer them on, cheer on their teammates, and show them what it means to be a good sport!
Tips for Swim Moms

Swimming is a lifestyle, and as a lifestyle, you will need to adjust. We have learned over time to love the smell of chlorine and the emotional journey that competitive swimming has put us on. I have high hopes for my kids (hello, college swim teams) and this has given them a chance to dream big!!    

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