Wedding Magazine

Tips for Planning the Perfect Wedding Day Speech

By Weddingblog2011

Planning a speech for a wedding can be a stressful task, but with a few simple tips, you can plan the perfect speech!

For many people, planning the perfect wedding day speech can be downright stressful. For starters, not everyone is a natural-born speaker. There are plenty of people who dread standing up in front of a group of people to speak, regardless of how large or small the group is. If you were that student in your high school or college class that hated standing up to speak in front of the class, giving a speech at a wedding can be a grueling responsibility. Even though you are only speaking for a few short minutes, those minutes can feel like a lifetime if you don’t enjoy talking in front of people.

Still, even those who don’t mind speaking in front of people often have a hard time planning the perfect wedding day speech. If you were asked to speak at a wedding, you are most likely fairly close to the bride or groom, but depending on the formality and style of the wedding, it can be hard to decide what to say, when to say it, and how long to talk for. Many times, friends and family members are asked at the last minute to say a few words, while others have months to plan ahead. Keep the following simple tips in mind to plan the perfect wedding day speech that goes off without a hitch.

1. Talk to the Bride and Groom: The only way to plan your speech according to the proper specifications (if there are any) is to talk to the bride and groom. Clear everything up so you know exactly what to say or what not to say.

2. Write a Draft: Just like writing vows or a college research paper, write a draft to brainstorm what you want to say. Then, write it again until you’ve nailed down some words that you feel comfortable with.

3. Practice in the Mirror: Practice your speech in front of a mirror, just as you would rehearse lines for a play. This gives you a chance to see your facial expressions and your mannerisms so you can adjust these things if you need to.

4. Practice with Your Friends: There’s no better way to practice than to practice in front of a few friends. Take some of the edge off by sharing your thoughts with a friend or family member who can give you some feedback.

Even though it may seem intimidating at first, planning the perfect wedding day speech can be a lot of fun, and your friends will greatly appreciate the effort you put into it!

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