The ever increasing price of gym membership has given a good number of people the perfect excuse to stay away from the gym and neglect their personal fitness. They have decided to gamble with their lives just as they normally do with their money at Best New Zealand casinos because going to the gym is not pleasurable. If you are avoiding the gym because of the rates, you should not let this come in the way of your fitness goals, since there are various approaches to get cheaper gym membership. Outlined below are some of the methods people use to ensure they don’t break the bank to afford membership fees at the fitness clubs.
Take Advantage of Trial Runs
Most gyms will always offer a trial period and it is vital to take advantage of such trial runs. In terms of cost, the trials periods will give you chance to enjoy using the facility without paying a dime. This is also a good time to find out if the gym is well equipped to meet your fitness needs and to have a general feeling of what to expect when you sign up for the membership. When I used to live in New York, I had about seven gyms in my neighborhood, and for each, I signed up for one month trial run. This translated into about seven months of free gym membership. Though you may not have a lot of gyms in your neighborhood, it is definitely one trick worth trying if possible.
Compare Rates before Purchasing
Just like with buying any other thing, whether online or offline, it is vital to compare gym membership rates when in need of a cheaper solution. One of the best ways to compare the rates is to simply head over the internet and start your searches. But while comparing the rates; be sure to not concentrate on the actual figures alone. Also take into consideration what is offered under each package and determine if they are in line with your fitness goals. You may end up taking a membership at a low rate only to find that the package chosen doesn’t offer exactly what you had hoped to get.

Always negotiate
Negotiation is one of the best approaches to get good deals and bargains on gym membership fees. You should never be afraid to negotiate because the gyms are in business and since they face a great deal of competition, they will try to not lose your membership simply because of rates. In most cases, they will be glad to lower their rates, even if it is for a few months, so that you join and become a member.
Here is some important gym membership negotiation tips worth having-:
•Make time to negotiate – don’t go to negotiate when in a hurry. Take your time and discuss your options with gym and weigh in on the cost implications of each before you make a final determination.
•Target end of the month and in the middle of the week – most of the gym salesperson normally have monthly quotas they need to meet. Towards end month, they are desperate to hit the targets and this is why it is such a good time to negotiate with them. You should also time your visit during weekday when there are not so many people in the gym. These will give you leverage over them and they will be keener to listen to you.

•Let them know you have options- While talking to the sale representative; don’t make them feel that their gym is the only option you have. Make it known to them that you have visited a couple gyms which have also given you greater prices and if they are not willing to offer something substantial, then they will watch you walk away. This gives you an upper hand because you have the option to choose membership, but they don’t have the option to choose who walks into their gym.
•Understand you know exactly what you will be negotiating – you may have different aspirations for getting gym memberships. Some may be interested in aerobics, weight lifting, cardio workouts, building muscles etc. When you go to negotiate, be sure to have your fitness goals in mind and negotiate only around your goals. No need to go for a membership with lots of packages that will not be useful to you.
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•Get the signup fee scrapped off or reduced – In my opinion, signup fee for gym memberships are complete rip-offs and should be avoided at all costs. However, in the event that the gym insists on one, request that you be given a discount on it. If they realize you are challenging them on the signup fee and you are threatening to leave simply because of that, they will most certainly scrap it off or give you a discount on it.
•Ask for discounts on upfront payments – suppose you agree to pay for the membership upfront, inquire about the discounts you will be entitled to. Many centers will have lucrative offers for those who pay upfront, with a good number of them allowing a couple of months’ free access if you can manage to pay a whole year’s subscription.
•If they are rigid, don’t be afraid to walk away– suppose they prove to be too rigid to bend their knees on their rates, make good your threat to walk away and try another gym.
Check Your Health Insurance Benefits
There are certain health insurance companies who offer discounts on gym membership. With some plans, you may get reimbursed up to $240 per year if you belong to a participating fitness center. Check with your insurance health company if they have such provisions so that you can take advantage of them to have a cheaper gym membership.

Consider Low Cost Gyms
You may be interested in a gym with state of the art equipment and beautiful locker rooms, but you may end up paying more compared to joining a gym with decent equipment and no sophisticated locker rooms. You will find lots of such gyms in your neighborhood, and they will always be affordable, with subscription beginning at just $20/month. Just remember that it is your determination, and not fancy equipment or expensive gym fees that will make you fit.
Using these tips should be sufficient to help you get cheaper gym membership in any city. With so many gyms and fitness centers around, there is no justification to spend thousands of dollars to keep fit. Simply choose and pay for what you need.