
Tips For Exploring Nature: How to Get Outside More

Posted on the 10 September 2021 by Sim @simslifeblog
Tips For Exploring Nature: How to Get Outside More

There's a lot of value in spending time in the great outdoors. Indeed, researchers are beginning to discover just how beneficial it can be to our overall well being. Not only does it get you physically fit, but it'll also help when it comes to your mental wellbeing, too. One study suggested that spending two hours in nature each week can significantly reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Another study suggested that even fifteen minutes of nature time will give you a boost! Let's have a look at how to get outside more and enjoy the fresh air!

The issue is that these days, spending time outside can be tricky, especially since so many of us live in cities. But it's not as if it's impossible. In this blog, we're going to run through some useful tips that'll have you spending much more time outdoors!

Tips For Exploring Nature: How to Get Outside More

What's Nearby?

It's all good and well to take a holiday in a beautiful part of the world. But if you're just waiting for those moments to arrive, then you won't be in nature all that much. While the world's most beautiful nature might be far from you, there'll surely be some nature nearby to you. You'll get the same benefit from spending time in a quiet wooded area as you would hiking to the top of a mountain (well, close enough, at least). So take a look at what nature you have close to you. You'll likely find that there's somewhere pretty awesome within easy driving distance!

Get a Hobby

It's understandable that some people don't spend all that much time outdoors. If they don't have anything to do while they're there, then it could seem a little boring. The solution? Find a hobby! That'll have you spending time in nature and having fun. There's no shortage of outdoor hobbies you could pick up. You could take up hiking, night sky photography, cycling, birdwatching, or anything else. Rather than viewing nature as something that you should spend time in, it'll become somewhere that you're eager to spend time in.

Find a Gang

Another option for spending more time in nature is to find a gang of outdoor lovers. As with most things, it's more fun to go into nature with other people! Ask around, and it won't take you long to identify people who also want to go into nature. You could even set up a hiking club!

Everyday Journeys

You won't always be able to get into real nature. But you can always get your dose of the natural world. For example, by looking at what's in your home area. Is there a big park? Or a canal? Those little natural touches will have an effect.

Camping Excursions

Finally, what about investing in camping supplies and going to spend a weekend under the stars? Camping takes a little getting used to, but once you've gotten the hang of it, it'll be something that you want to do again and again. It's more or less the perfect solution for getting away from the stresses and strains of everyday life.

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