Lifestyle Magazine

Tips for Creating A Stress-Free Work Environment

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

Most people think that stress at the workplace is unavoidable. Sometimes, stress will be caused by few inconsiderate colleagues, at other times, stress will emerge as a consequence of bad ventilation, low salary, or even messy workspace and uncomfortable chair.

How To Create A Stress-Free Work Environment

Tips for Creating A Stress-Free Work Environment

All of these inconveniences can be eliminated by adding some changes to your office, cubical or desk. Below are some easy tips which should lead you towards the stress-free working environment.

Working in big companies can cause a lot of stress, since you'll be encountering some colleagues who like to engage in chats during working hours, or they just get very loud on the phone. Try to avoid those interruptions in order to keep focused on your tasks.

Good and open communication will save you a lot of time. Once you've mastered that, new energy will appear and you'll never get annoyed by them again.

Employee development programs are available in a lot of firms and you should motivate yourself to attend as many as you can. Those experiences will make you stronger, since you're going to learn a lot of new stuff and, therefore, you'll feel much more confident and satisfied with your job. Those programs and newly discovered knowledge may even lead you to a better office and a better salary.

By adding couple of plants to your office, you won't just make the place prettier and more comfortable. It is proven that your leafy friends are great at reducing stress, normalizing blood pressure, enhancing positive feeling, and they will even reduce absenteeism. A bunch of decorative plants will also regulate the temperature and humidity in the room.

Tips for Creating A Stress-Free Work Environment

You're most likely feeling tense after sitting at your workplace for a while. It's a great piece of advice to get up from the chair once in a while and stretch out. You may take a short walk as well or even play some relaxing music. Just make sure that you're not distracting your colleagues. Moving and exercising will decrease your anxiety and stress levels.

Take a good look at your working station. You'll probably find piles of papers, old to-do lists, magazines and phone messages. Try to just keep those that are necessary and relevant at the moment. All other stuff can be easily disposed of. Feel free to find affordable storage solutions in your area, so you could get rid of all unneeded items.

Tips for Creating A Stress-Free Work Environment

Putting a few family photos on your desk can lower the level of anxiety you'll experience on daily basis. You may also add some personal items that have a special worth for you: printed motivational quotes, inspiring landscapes, or even a decorative lamp which will surely soften the strict office atmosphere.

If that's possible, you should try by changing colors in your office. Earthy colors will increase warmth, the yellow palette will stimulate intellectual activity, and green and blue tones will help you relax. Play with different hues until you find the perfect harmony.

Place your desk the way you can see who approaches, or put a mirror in front of you in case your area isn't big enough for moving the desk. Pay attention to lights and shadows because those can also have a stressful effect.

Most of the companies have strict rules and policies about the design and appearance of the workplace and it can be challenging to change anything. In that case, the only remedy is to work on yourself and your inner well-being.

Once you find that balance, you'll be able to accept all of the rules and limitations which may occur at your work. Try to rise above the situation and arm yourself with a lot of patience.

Final thoughts

If tips mentioned above don't help in overcoming the stress and anxiety at your workplace, it's probably for the best to explore some other opportunities. Make sure to extract yourself from a harmful environment. You shouldn't forget that your well-being is more important than any career and a full wallet.

Just make sure to continue improving yourself in every way, and better circumstances will appear soon enough. Don't give up, just keep on going and thriving toward better future. 🙂

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