Lifestyle Magazine

Tips for Buying Invitations Online

By Weddingblog2011

When it comes to wedding invitations, you have an infinite number of choices to browse and pick from. It can be totally overwhelming, even for a paper and stationary lover! Your wedding invitation will give your guests a hint of what your wedding will be like when they arrive, reflecting the theme or colors you have selected. Keep this in mind while shopping around!

Tips for Buying Invitations Online

Fab Letterpress Invitations from Storkie

If you've decided to purchase yours online (a very popular option in this day and age), make sure you know what you're doing! Read on for a few tips to help you get started.

Look in shops to get an idea of your favorite style and printing method. Some shops can certainly offer you a good deal, but often they have to factor in additional costs to their products (it takes lots of moolah to run a brick-and-mortar store!), which can sometimes result in higher price tags. That being said, even if you have chosen to purchase invitations online, it's a good idea to shop around in physical stores to see the vast number of styles available. Look and feel around to get an idea of what you like - this will help you narrow down what to search for when you're online.

Shop around for the best price. This is definitely a perk of buying online! Shopping around for the best price is super simple and can take as much time as you want it to. Make sure you keep track of your favorite finds (company name, URL, price range) so you can easily go back whenever you need.

Pick a company with great customer service and friendly people. I can't say how important this is! Of course, as with any business, every company is focused on their bottom line. However, some companies go above and beyond to provide the best possible customer service (which in the end affects the bottom line away), and those are the people you should buy from. Why? You'll have a better experience overall, of course, but if something goes wrong, you want happy, friendly people working with you who will go out of their way to make things right, even if the fault isn't theirs. Ask your friends, read reviews, or even reach out with questions to find the company that meets your customer service expectations! Just because you're buying online doesn't mean people are taken out of the equation!

Double check the turnaround time and make sure it fits in the timeline you have. Don't learn this lesson the hard way!! Make sure you check and double check the turn around time it will take for you to receive your wedding cards and invitations. Count back from the day you want all the RSVPs returned to determine the best send date, and give yourself a few extra weeks for addressing everything! Then make sure everything can be made and shipped by the date you need. If not, consider paying a little extra for express service, or opt for a different company.

Make sure you see and feel a printed proof before placing your final order. Or, if a company you're considering doesn't offer printed proofs, opt for seeing samples so you can get an idea of what your finished invitations will feel like. We've all been there before - we order something online only to be disappointed when we get it! Take steps to prevent this and you'll save yourself a few tears.

That's a start! Have another tip? Share them below in the comments!

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