Lifestyle Magazine

Tips for an Autumn/Fall Wedding in Central Park

By Wedincentralpark @CentralParkWed

L&A group central park wedding by Lake

September usually stays warm and the roses in Central Park are still blooming in September. The temperatures drop quite quickly, though and by November New York is very cold. The sun sets at around 6pm in September but by November it is setting at around 4:30 so by the end of the Autumn, couples would probably want to schedule a wedding around the middle of the day to get the most warmth and light from the sun. We can still see some beautiful blue skies in the Fall, though.

Many people love the Park in the Fall because of the colors of the trees. They start to change in September, but may still be falling from the trees and being crunchy underfoot into November. Brides can choose bouquets that accent the seasonal oranges and yellows of the Park at this time of year.

In the Fall, visit Belvedere Castle for lovely views and to look for migrating hawks from the upper terraces.

The Mall always looks beautiful in the Fall, it was designed specifically to mimic a church’s aisle and the trees forming the “roof” all turn orange at this time of year, which would look make beautiful wedding photos with a blue sky above. Any photos taken by Bethesda Fountain always look lovely at this time of year, with the color of the trees reflected in the carvings on the sandstone of Bethesda Terrace.

S&L central park bethesda terrace wedding 2

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