Life Coach Magazine

Timeless In Age

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Timeless In Age

My mother used to say that I had been here before. Though I never believed in reincarnation, I do strongly believe in the possibility that we were of consciousness in the spirit realm before we came here to earth to take part in this dreadful human experience.

I was a very bright youngster, ahead of my time, knowing and discerning at a level beyond what was usual for my age.

During my teenage years an evaluation by testing at school credited me with having an outstanding comprehension. I was surprised they were able to detect that from however they came upon the discovery.

Most of the things in life that I know now in my forty-seven years of life I knew then.

A lot of life just taught and confirmed to me what I already knew and was aware of.

There is always something to learn and expand in to enhance the progression in life.

I just know that I am not, have never been, and never will be average in way of thinking or spiritual nature.

Nevertheless, I have the natural instincts and abilities to relate to peoples and society while at the same time not relating to what is foreign, but understanding the nature of how others are and where they come from.

One does not necessarily have to walk in another person’s shoes to grasp their individuality and life path.

Timeless In Age


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