Apple BKC Store: Apple has opened its first retail store in Mumbai, the financial capital of India. In the grand opening of this store, a person brought such a gift, seeing which Apple CEO Tim Cook was happy. Apple will open its second store after two days i.e. on April 20 in the capital’s Saket. Apple Store is known for its facilities and user experience more than its sales. This is the reason that thousands of people reached during the opening of the first Apple Store located in Mumbai.
Tim Cook got excited after seeing the gift
During Apple’s first store opening in India, the company’s CEO Tim Cook was also present along with Senior Vice President Retail Deirdre O’Brien. Amidst the huge crowd of people, a man had brought a special gift for Tim Cook. Tim Cook’s mouth was left open after seeing this gift. Seeing the gift, Tim Cook happily embraced this unknown person and also took pictures. Also, Tim Cook got a little emotional.
The energy, creativity, and passion in Mumbai is incredible! We are so excited to open Apple BKC — our first store in India.
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) April 18, 2023
A stranger brought a 32-year-old Macintosh Classic machine to Tim Cook. It is the first computer designed and built by Apple, which the company developed in October 1990. This classic computer, which became the reason for Tim Cook’s sentiment, was very close to the heart of Apple founder Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs loved this computer
The Apple Macintosh computer was in vogue from 1979 to 1996. Later, by upgrading this, Apple has launched products like MacBook, MacMini, iMac, Mac Pro, MacOS. As soon as Anjaan Shakhya arrived with a special gift for Tim Cook, people greeted him with applause.
This old Macintosh Classic computer from Apple had 40Mb of storage and 2Mb of RAM. During 1990, the price of this computer was 999 dollars. Apple’s founder also used Macintosh SE, a Macintosh series computer. Later Steve Jobs’s daughter used this computer for a long time. This computer of Steve Jobs was auctioned last year for $ 3 lakh (about Rs 2.5 crore).