Food & Drink Magazine

Thursday Things

By Mollyalice @mollyalicehoy

1. Glad tidings! For the impending anniversary of Andy’s birth, my parents got her (i.e., us) a Roku and a year’s subscription to Hulu Plus! For her, it means nonstop marathoning of The Pretender and Warehouse 13. For me, it means catching up on season 3 of Glee so I can be in the loop come September!

2. I’ve decided it’s high time I get myself an ice cream maker and am looking around for the best deal. I have my eye on this guy because it’s inexpensive and gets decent reviews. Anyone have recommendations for an inexpensive (<$100), small, and quiet machine?

3. Stop the presses — I’ve FINALLY acquired a taste for carob!

thursday things

Yep, last week I actually started CRAVING carob chips, and next thing you know, I was putting them in everything — pancakes, oatmeal, and even a special dessert that I’ll be premiering later in the week. I guess this is a good sign that I’m finally starting to move forward in my post-chocolate life, as silly as that sounds.

4. Speaking of food allergies, last night I had the privilege of creeping on/joining in VegNews twitter chat about living and eating allergen-free. And while I’m not allergic to any of the top 8, thank goodness, it was still a fun and informative evening hanging out with some awesome vegan ladies. Since VegNews started featuring me on their Pinterest and Facebook, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know that community. I’m glad they accept me, even though I’m still an ovo-lacto… for now ;D

thursday things

5.I’ve been bitten by the nut butter bug once again, as evidenced by yesterday’s butterscotch peanut butter. I’m hoping to post at least one or two more nut butter recipes in the coming weeks. Woohoo!

6. So there’s this new craze sweeping the UK called the 5:2 diet, which basically involves fasting (i.e. eating less than half your usual calorie intake) two days out of every week. Apparently it’s supposed to make you healthier/live longer and people have been doing it for years… plus it retrains your body how to manage hunger so that on days you aren’t fasting, you still aren’t tempted to snack between meals and things like that. I’ve been thinking of trying it out because I have an honest problem with ALWAYS  HAVING THE MUNCHIES and it’s starting to really bother me.

7. I’ve all but officially quit doing background work — it was really just a bad match for my temperament. I’ve been applying to a few places around town, but don’t expect to hear back any time soon, if at all. I’m a bit strapped for career options right now, since I can’t seem to get myself excited about doing any one thing for the rest of my life :/

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