1. I don’t have any pertinent Instagram pictures this week… so in the meantime, please enjoy these GPOM (gratuitous pictures of Mel)
2. ANDY IS BACK. She got in Tuesday afternoon, and has since been struggling to readjust to Pacific time and stifling Valley heat. I’ve been feeling a little laggy myself, since I’m having to relearn how to share a bed. Hey, it’s hard when you don’t have A/C!

3. Did anyone else catch the season 2 premiere of Grimm on Monday night? I felt like it was a bit more gruesome than their usual fare, but I’m excited that Rosalie has officially joined the cast. I also met the guy who played the FBI agent while I was on the set of Jobs a few weeks back. Pretty exciting!
4. Speaking of season 2 premieres, I also watched Husbands yesterday. I usually love Jane Espenson, but so far I’m not impressed and actually a bit discomfited by this first episode. Holding off on judgment until I’ve watched the whole thing…

5. I got featured on VegNews’ Facebook page yesterday! It came as a complete surprise, and I actually had to do a bit of sleuthing to figure out why my pageviews had suddenly skyrocketed. My recipes have been pinned on their Pinterest a few times before, but never anything of this magnitude. I truly admire the people at VegNews, and getting a recipe featured was such an honor — even if it was a shock!
6. Finished seasons 1 & 2 of Glee on Netflix instant — anyone know where I could watch the 3rd season online to gear up for season 4 this fall? I’m too cheap to buy the dvds…

7. We’ve been having all sorts of issues with our apartment lately. As if the roach invasion and the unbearable heat weren’t enough, this afternoon we discovered that our kitchen sink is backed up, and water from the dishwasher is draining into the cabinet below the sink. Neither of us are sure how long it’s been doing this, but you can probably imagine what dirty dishwater smells like when it’s just stagnating in the back of your cabinets. Management has yet to respond, and Andy and I are both starting to get fed up. Trying to keep a positive attitude, but it’s hard when my only stress outlet is cooking and blogging, and the kitchen is unusable. Recipes may be spotty for the next week or so :/