Books Magazine

Thursday Tags – This Or That

By Jazmin-Jade

Thursday Tags – This or That

This weeks tag I found over at Books and Babbles with the lovely Ayla! She was tagged by someone who doesn’t write in English so I stopped looking for the original post at that point. I wasn’t tagged but I shall tag anyone who wants to do the tag because that’s mostly how I come across the tags I do. Its just for the funs. Moving on~

1. Audiobook or Text Book?

This one feels hard for me right now because I much prefer text. I love the feel, the smell, and displaying all my pretties. But in terms of what I am actually reading at the moment its pretty much solely audiobooks at the moment due to the amount of time I spend in my car and being unable to really settle myself enough to sit and read a physical book. I hope to change this soon though.

2. Paperback or Hardback?

Hardback! The spines are so much safer and they are generally more likely to be the same size and fit more evenly upon my shelves. They are super hard to read when they are like 400+ pages though.

3. Fiction or Non Fiction?

Fiction for sure, though I am starting to appreciate some autobiographies.

4. Harry Potter or Twilight?

Twilight. DON’T THROW THINGS AT ME. I have to answer Twilight as I have not read Harry Potter but I have read Twilight. I am currently making my way through the first HP book!

5. Bookshop or Online?

I love the experience of going into the bookshop and finding something really good randomly, but I have to go with online. In Australia the bookstores don’t tend to have hardbacks and that’s what I want the book to be in most the time so I have to go online to get them. They are also sadly cheaper there online because even our paperbacks are bloody expensive.

6. Standalone or Trilogy?

I think I have to go with standalone. You can easily make one book bloody amazing and while I may want more but I can be happy with what I got. I may get more with a trilogy but quite often the last book is a let down or the story goes on too long or there is something that puts a damper on the whole story.

7. Sweet and Short or Heavy and Long?

Oh god this is so hard. How long and heavy are we talking? Are we talking GoT heavy and long? Because then I would definitely go with sweet and short. But then I don’t really like novellas. Hmmmm. . .  Short and sweet then. Why are you doing this to me?

8. Cosy Read or Reading in the Sun?

When I enter the sun I turn into a tomato that has been grilled so I must go with cosy read! I want to be in bed and under a blanket with my cat for maximum cosy.

9. Hot Chocolate or Coffee?

Hot chocolate! Coffee makes me vomit :D

Till Next Time. . .


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