Because I'm a fan of sitting down and whipping out far too many words than many care, I thought once in a while I'd pen some thoughts about style past gone. My style past gone. I don't know about you
On being 3 and a bit and starting to document my style. Nearly. We'll go back to the very beginning: 1994, aged 3 and a bit. Oh hello "welcome to my Crib" pose. This particular photo was snapped at our first family home, where I resided up until the grand old age of 9. Many style endeavours were whipped out here, my Mum clearly basked in having a first-born gal by dressing me up the nines wherever possible (more on that in another #TBT bulletin). In fact, this photo just reminds me so much of when my little brother was born and when I did all I damn well could to keep all the attention on me. Ah the perils of being the eldest...!
A slouchy jumper and casual bottoms is a look that I often favour today. Back then it signified Saturday and henceforth Chocolate-Day. I love the simplicity and sheer relaxed chic of a jumper with some slouch. Feels super 90s and retro, but that's probably because I always bring it back to this photograph.