
Three Ways To Measure Community Engagement

Posted on the 28 February 2023 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

We understand that you’ve built a fabulous online community website where customers all around the globe and discuss your product, services, and brand. Your members enjoy themselves in your community, and everything seems fine. But are you entirely sure? Well, you can only be certain ultimately by checking it all up. But wait, how do you do that? Don’t worry; we got your back! In this post, we will discuss three ways to measure community engagement and how to fix them back up to keep your community website kicking and moving without any hindrances.


Why is it important to measure community engagement?

You might be wondering about how to measure online community engagement. When we say “measure community engagement,” it means to figure out how your community members are engaging with the content and other community members.

Measuring community engagement allows you to keep everyone informed, justifying the investment and eventually engaging with internal buy-in across departments and teams (since they can look beyond the number of members you have and understand why and how they engage—and how it influences the organization!).

Once done with the measurement, you can start developing strategies to cover up the subjects lacking in your online community website.

How to measure community engagement? – 3 Ways to know

Effectively assessing community involvement is primarily determined by the community engagement measurement tools available to you. More than likely, you’ll be able to utilize the three measures listed below to understand better what’s working (and what isn’t) in your community.

1. Check how your members interact with the content

Knowing how your members interact with the content available is essential in measuring community engagement. Although it heavily depends on the features and design of your community.

You should be able to check how your members interact with your material. You should be able to assess the most performing content among your posts and your member’s posts. And must push that content further and drive your members to a topic much closer to the original one.

2. Active, Inactive, and Contributing Members

Active, inactive, not contributing, and contributing active members are all important metrics to take care of while measuring your online community’s engagement. You can compare the number of active users with the number of people contributing to your community. It will give you an idea of how many are genuinely engaging and who aren’t contributing.

Organizations may better understand their members’ needs and interests this way, allowing them to make better decisions about how to engage them. Furthermore, identifying contributing members may assist companies in recognizing and rewarding people who have made substantial contributions to the organization.

3. Member Number and Mental Growth

As a measure of community engagement, Member Number and Mental Growth are two critical indicators that can help organizations understand the level of participation in their online communities.

By tracking the number of members and their mental growth, organizations can gain valuable insights into how their members interact with each other and how they contribute to the organization’s overall growth.

This information can help them better understand their members’ needs and develop strategies for engaging them more effectively. Additionally, organizations can identify areas to serve their members better by tracking these metrics.

Also Read: Measure Community Engagement: Key Community Metrics You Should Track

What are the best community engagement measurement tools?

Measuring the success of community engagement is essential for any business or organization. It helps to track progress and identify areas of improvement. With the right tools, you can accurately measure your community engagement and better understand how your efforts impact your audience.

The best community engagement measurement tools will provide valuable insights into how people interact with your content, what topics they’re most interested in, and which channels are most effective for reaching them. These tools can help you understand your campaigns’ effectiveness and ensure you get the most out of your efforts.

One such tool is BuddyPress Stats. The BuddyPress Stats plugin keeps track of everything on your BuddyPress-powered community site. It saves all counts on the user profile, showing various facts about your community members. It displays the total number of members, active members, status updates, groups, posts, Activities, groups, and blogs in your BuddyPress community’s Footer or Widget.

Also Read: How to Get Word Count Stats in WordPress: Three Methods Explained

How BuddyPress Stats helps you measure community engagement?

With BuddyPress Stats, you can obtain a rapid update on the user’s activity on your community website. We compare user registrations, newly formed activities, and groups from the previous day to the current day, last week to the current week, and last month to the current month in this widget.

  • Provides a separate widget displaying a summary of all site members’ actions. These actions may be sorted by the previous month, current month, current year, and last seven days.
  • The Plugin includes a group-specific widget that displays the total number of activities completed by members of a specific group. These activities can be filtered based on various criteria, including those created in the last seven days, last month, the current month, and the current year.

Also Read: Community Marketing Strategies -The Comprehensive Guide To Evolving Your Online Community

How to install BuddyPress Stats, System Requirements? (A Quick Guide)

Access this quick guide to install and run BuddyPress Stats on your community website. To install the plugin, follow the below steps:

  • Download the zip file from My Account << Downloads section of your profile.
  • Upload the “BP Stats” plugin to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory via FTP.
  • Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu.
  • Alternatively, you can use the WordPress Plugins installer from Dashboard >> Plugins >> Add New to add this plugin.

And you’re done with the activation of the plugin. However, before you begin to use the plugin, go ahead and check if you fulfill the system requirements.

Also Read: BuddyPress vs Ultimate Member: What Should I Choose?

System Requirements

Please check that these points are valid; if all match your system, you will face no problems using the BuddyPress Stats Plugin.

  • You have a WordPress v5.0 or higher website and have used the BuddyPress plugin to create your online community.
  • Your version of PHP is 5.6 or above. Note: It is always best to have the latest version.

That’s all. Now back to the article!

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Wrapping Up Words

A thriving and active community is critical for every company. It can aid in attracting new members, increasing consumer loyalty, and increasing revenue. However, measuring a community’s performance and tracking its growth over time can be challenging.

That is why understanding how to assess community participation is critical for identifying areas for progress and ensuring that your organization is on the right road.

Interesting Reads:

How to Track Your Community Statistics in WordPress?

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