Well, let's just look at Saturday and Sunday forget Monday (yesterday, it sucked) and move straight onto today.
OK how you look at a good day may differ from mine. On Saturday I went outside! That was a great thing in itself - I was able to go to IKEA, that haven of flat-pack and very clever ideas and then on to my favorite cafe/art gallery.
On Sunday afternoon and early evening I spent the day working in the back garden with my hubby. In fact I was in the hubby's shed, potting up more colourful flowers, re-potting a bit of mint that I saved and is growing really well and tidying a little, haha.

My tiered garden and some details of flowers in bloom below
That space at the bottom is for the mixed leaves mix I have germinating

Andrew cut back the hedges and wall coverage - it's looking good out there :) The secret Japanese tea room is beautifully sheltered and very calming.

Today I read and I cleaned. I got the downstairs vacuumed and tidied and I scrubbed my kitchen floor and cleaned the surfaces and did washing (it's drying on the line) and dishes and played with Toby. And I felt able to think straight enough to write this blog, it's a miracle! 😀
Carrie xx