When the tin box in the kitchen, housing weekly baked goodies runs scant, I have no choice but to get baking.
Because if you've got growing boys around you, you know that hunger seems to be their constant companion. Not withstanding the times when I am sure they are feigning.
For example, right after they've been fed breakfast and we are doing weekend errands. As the scent of grilled meat from a near by restaurant wafts through the the air,
" I am soooo hungry Mom"
"How can that be? We just ate breakfast"
" Mother, are you seriously going to starve your first born son?"
"What did you?"
I am chuckling now and my 10 year son repeats himself to which he adds,
" Mother, you do know that it is perfectly normal for me to be hungry all the time, since I am going through puberty".
"And were we not going through puberty an hour ago, when you only ate one french toast?"
So you see my dilemma, a near empty box of goodies will only mean more such conversations and so this is a perfect time as any to make a fruit filled loaf.
And since one can never ever have enough recipes featuring brown, overripe bananas, I consider it serendipitous that I have three such specimens on my counter top as we speak.
As far as I'm concerned, banana bread is a treat either way - becoming all the more special when served with a dollop of lemon curd or marmalade and just heavenly when studded with sweet, purple blueberries.
Between that, mushy bananas and puberty, what chance does a mother stand!
Gather the ingredients:
2 cups all-purpose flour, 2-1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup regular white sugar, 2 overripe bananas to yield 3/4 cup mashed bananas, 3/4 cup buttermilk, 2 large eggs, 1/2 stick (approx 3 tbs) butter - melted & cooled & 1 tsp pure vanilla extract.
Lemon curd or Orange Marmalade to serve.
Also required:
9" x 5" non-stick loaf pan, parchment paper & non-stick baking spray
Pre-heat the oven at 350 deg F.
- Spray the loaf pan with non-stick baking spray. Line the base and sides with parchment paper.
- Sift the flour, baking powder & salt into a large mixing bowl.
- Stir in the sugars.
- In a jug or mixing bowl, crack the eggs, discarding the shell. Add the buttermilk, melted butter and pure vanilla extract.
- Mash the bananas with a fork and rinse and drain the blueberries.
- Add the wet ingredients - the egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir with a rubber spatula until just combined.
- Add the mashed bananas and blueberries and stir to combine.
- Spoon the mixture into the loaf pan and smooth the top surface.
- Bake in the hot oven for about 50-55 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. The top should be a nice golden brown.
- Set aside in the pan for 5 minutes to cool before turning onto a wire rack to cool completely.
- Cut into slices and toast, if desired. Serve with a cuppa and lemon curd or orange marmalade.
Incredibly moist & flavorful, this loaf doen't have a dry bone in it's body & is studded with softened blueberries and the taste of bananas.
Delicious sliced up and served with lemon curd or orange marmalade, this simple and lovely loaf is just the thing for a homemade staple.
Recipe for
Buttermilk, Banana & Blueberry Loaf
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Baking time: 50-55 minutes
Make 1 qty 9" x 5" loaf
Shopping list:
2 cups all-purpose flour
2-1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup regular white sugar
2 overripe bananas to yield 3/4 cup mashed bananas
3/4 cup buttermilk
2 large eggs
1/2 stick (approx 3 tbs) butter - melted & cooled
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
To serve:
Lemon curd or Orange Marmalade
Also required:
9" x 5" non-stick loaf pan, parchment paper & non-stick baking spray
Pre-heat the oven at 350 deg F.
- Spray the loaf pan with non-stick baking spray. Line the base and sides with parchment paper.
- Sift the flour, baking powder & salt into a large mixing bowl.
- Stir in the sugars.
- In a jug or mixing bowl, crack the eggs, discarding the shell. Add the buttermilk, melted butter and pure vanilla extract.
- Mash the bananas with a fork and rinse and drain the blueberries.
- Add the wet ingredients - the egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir with a rubber spatula until just combined.
- Add the mashed bananas and blueberries and stir to combine.
- Spoon the mixture into the loaf pan and smooth the top surface.
- Bake in the hot oven for about 50-55 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. The top should be a nice golden brown.
- Set aside in the pan for 5 minutes to cool before turning onto a wire rack to cool completely.
- Cut into slices and toast, if desired. Serve with a cuppa and lemon curd or orange marmalade.