This Maryland trio formed out of the ashes of Life Beyond, amongst others, and shaped their sound and ideas with one demo and two singles before the debut 'Journey To Ascension And The Loss Of Tomorrow' saw the light of day in 2017. And man, the beauty emanating from the speakers is something else, let me tell you. Blending their history and influences with a full, rich sound and you have the perfect evolution of the Maryland doom sound.
Picking favourites from such a complete recording is difficult, very difficult but there are five tracks that stand out a touch more than the rest. ‘Headstone’s Throw’ is fast-paced groovy and riff-laden doom metal with hooks and melody in abundance. It is a very cathartic tune whichever way you look at it, absolutely love it! ‘Tides Of Tomorrow’ takes a hold of you with its dreamy, ethereal and mesmerizing tones until the band cranks it up a few notches. A very nice and cool thing towards the end during Danny’s beautiful solo is Tony Comulada’s bass work. Not delivering a regular rhythm-style playing it’s almost like he plays a solo parallel with the guitar…so nice! ‘River Bed Grave’ is a stomping rocker if there ever was one. The band holds nothing back as they twist and turn while unleashing total annihilation. Also, Chris Sebastian is going absolutely bonkers behind the drums and I love it!

‘Final Flight Of Fall’ is kind of melancholic and soaring in approach while building up gradually. About halfway through a fantastic solo throws the song into overdrive. Sharp riffs and bludgeoning rhythms leads it on to whole different level with even more amazing solos. ‘Holy Ground’ is a crushing instrumental neck-breaker, and then some. This is dark and brooding structuralized chaos and I absolutely love it! I mean, Thousand Vision Mist throws down the gauntlet and spare no punches, so how can’t you love it? Fantastic stuff!
These Marylanders are the real deal, people and 'Journey To Ascension And The Loss Of Tomorrow' definitely showcase that. The guys play with such ease which helps to elevate these already 10 amazing songs even further. To me they come across as the type of band who just plugs in their instruments and magic immediately pours out of the speakers, that’s how damned great they are.