Fashion Magazine

Thoughts on Today’s Fashionistas: Online and Off

By Cefashion @cefashion

Do you love fashion? Do you see fashion as an art form? Do you view clothes as a way to express yourself? Do you scour the best boutique clothing sites out there to see what the top forms of elegance are in today’s society? If that’s the case then you might just be a fashionista.


Style, expressionism and art surround us, particularly in the form of what we wear. This is fashion at its core. You can add to this by learning more about the different styles of blouses and pants designs. You can read into the history of dress patterns and talk with your friends about their likes and dislikes in clothing styles to see what can potentially be done to make fashion better. If this is your passion, then you’re a fashionista at heart.

The best of the best; that is what you strive for. In style and fashion and in art. The best comes from the best of brick-and-mortar clothing stores and the best boutique clothing sites. Huge chains can contribute to a fashionista’s online selection but these giants will never have the level of understanding and classiness that a small online boutique does for the customer.  A true fashionista in today’s mixed world of digital glamour and physical sophistication is one that integrates the intangible and tangible forms of fashionable art into one but knows the differences between quality and want-to-be quality.

It is a simple mix of both that give away to a true persona of style. But what exact characteristics go into donning the lifestyle of a fashionable person? The archetype of a fashionista can go by the following traits and behaviors:

  1. You own the wearing of your clothing, not the other way around.
  2. You view fashion as one of the most elite forms of art.
  3. Your friends, family and admirers appreciate your sense of fashion and come to you for advice on what to where and when.
  4. Fashion to you is a way to develop your self and personality.
  5. Shopping is not simply fun time but study time, whether it be at downtown shops or on one of the best boutique clothing sites that you recommend consistently to the people of your life.
  6. Seeing the beauty of strangers and friends alike is one of your strong suits, particularly when those people do not see their own beauty.
  7. You are not a slave to the latest trends or hottest fads. You own who you are, in personality, style and attire.

Being a fashion-forward lady does not mean you need to read Vogue every day or check for sales at the most popular shop in town. It means that you know how to identify and build out the most becoming traits in a person’s wardrobe and lifestyle. Shopping at the best boutique clothing sites can truly contribute to this process because the internet is where some of the most unique and amazing styles and ideas come from. One single find from a unique website can make all the difference in brightening up a lady’s personal style and get heads turning. A fashionista knows how to do this through and through.

Thoughts Today’s Fashionistas: Online
Thoughts Today’s Fashionistas: Online

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