Foodiamo's founder Raffaele Asquer and chief editor Roberto Croci talk about the Foodiamo project and how it expanded from guide to Italian food in Los Angeles to online magazine of global appeal while keeping its authenticity. Particularly, Raffaele talks about his marketing research, the choice of the name and logo, and the creation of a brand. Roberto, writer and editor for several Italian entertainment magazines, tells about his desire to cover Italian food and how this led him to approach Raffaele, bringing a new perspective into the project.
During the episode, we also ask ourselves some highly debatable questions, such as:
- What are the four kinds of cheese that should be featured in gnocchi ai quattro formaggi?
- Does mozzarella count as one of the four kinds on pizza ai quattro formaggi?
- Should such pizza have tomato sauce on it?
Finally, we each talk about our favorite Italian dish.
You can follow Foodiamo also on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Categories Tags Posted on Episodes episode, Foodiamo, Italian, magazine, project, Raffaele Asquer, Roberto Croci, Thoughts on the Table