Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) is the sixth installment of the American action spy film based on the television series of the same name. Fallout is written, co-produced and directed by Christopher McQuarrie. This is McQuarrie's second film in the franchise following Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation. As Tom Cruise, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Sean Harris, Michelle Monaghan and Alec Baldwin reprise their roles, they are also joined by Henry Cavill, Vanessa Kirby and Angela Bassett.
The first Mission: Impossible I watched was the second installment released in 2000. Since then, I watched every film because Mission: Impossible always delivers from the action sequences we all enjoy to the twists and turns of who is the ally and the enemy.
The question now is, "After five films, is Mission: Impossible still able to deliver?"
A hard yes! In fact, they seem to raise the bar every time they release a film. The material especially Tom Cruise never cease to amaze their audience. Have you seen how his intense stunts were made? I bet you already know that he's just like Jackie Chan who does his own stunts. If you didn't, well surprise! He does and still do everything. In Fallout's case, he did the rooftop chase scene where he broke his ankle to the motorcycle chase in Paris and the helicopter stunt sequence.
Besides the action scenes, I also appreciate the twists and turns in this installment. I guess it's safe to say that August Walker (Henry Cavill) and Solomon Lane (Sean Harris) are the villains. With a protagonist like Ethan Hunt who is capable of saving the world along with his team, he deserves an intense antagonist or two. Walker, the villain with a clear plan and means gave an intense fight fit for Hunt while Lane, the twisted villain messed with Hunt's mind (and well with Walker's for making things so f****** complicated!)
I have to admit though that I will miss Walker and Lane. If Ethan Hunt choose to accept another mission, I'm certain Lane wouldn't be involved especially Walker! Well, we have a saying in the Philippines which goes "Ang masamang damo matagal mamatay." This literally means "Weeds don't easily die". If the Apostles were able to track their leader and save him in time, well the story might be more interesting now that two villains - the intense and the twisted will desperately try to destroy Hunt.
Just my thoughts! 😉 If you haven't seen Mission: Impossible - Fallout and if it's still showing in your country, make sure to catch it. You'll enjoy it, promise! IMDb 8/10