This summer, Attire Club released the first summer issue of the InCompany by Attire Club magazine. Covered by Italian fashion star Mariano Di Vaio, the issue featured a series of captivating interviews, cultural insights, the latest in menswear and in fashion and technology. And, in pure AC style, don’t forget the style guides.
In over 100 pages, the issue painted a picture of fascinating fashion people: from designers to bloggers and university researchers.
We have curated a small selection of quotes from the various articles and interviews from the magazine.
Discover them below:
“During a week-long stroll through Munich’s English Garden, we’ve talked to and took measures of over 150 guys. Most of them told us the same story: ‘I’m usually a ‘Medium’ but mostly have to buy a ‘Large’ if I don’t want to turn my shirt into a belly top.’ For us, these statements were evidence enough to think about additional long version shirts. And so we decided to offer complementary long version shirts.” – Nadia Botzenhard, co-founder of whytes
“Nobody knows everything – and that’s ok. (…) To me, a successful product designer or entrepreneur has to be able to listen. If you have the talent to really listen to the market, you can start creating a product that solves the problem of your potential community. And down the road, your help hopefully leads to entrepreneurial success.” – Thomas Escher, co-founder of whytes
“I’m not usually the person that will wear a dress shirt to the club as I like dancing and feeling free.” – Kosta Karakashyan, blogger and dancer
“There is nothing better than wondering around a museum in the early hours of the morning. (…) I like to wander around an absorb sights and sounds.” – Marcus Tan, fashion blogger
“People in Bucharest and Romania in general take much importance in the way they look and present themselves to the world. Here, people put a lot of money, time and effort into taking care of their clothes, their grooming and their overall appearance. Despite this, shopping areas for clothing, accessories and grooming products in Bucharest are very small compared to other European cities and sales for these items are extremely low.” – from ‘B for Bucharest’“In order to find inspiration everywhere (…) it’s important to have hobbies.” – Mariano Di Vaio, fashion blogger
“I am one who enjoys dressing up differently and more modern. Sometimes, when you dress like me, you get a lot of funny comments from people on the street. People who dress in the slightest differently or special, often face comments, which are intended as insults.” – Hamid Khouyi, Moroccan fashion blogger
“I would rather create a design based on ideas like color pallets, history and culture, having as a starting point the question what if?” – Michelangelo Winklaar, fashion designer
“Wearable technology is affecting each phase of a human life. In child life sciences, wearable technology is helping in understanding the growth pattern of babies and toddlers; in work life, wearable technology is an immense source of productivity; and for older generation, wearable technology is ensuring the safety and longevity of human life. As sensors and technologies are becoming smaller, we will see that technology will be embedded in the clothes which we wear and then it will find its way on in-skin implantation” – Deepika Raj, researcher and scientist at the University of Missoury“The main subject matter of psychophysiology is the interaction of mind and body. (…)Technology will become like an external organ which will facilitate in all aspects of our life.” – Dr. Jung Ha-Brookshire, professor and researcher at the University of Missoury
To read the full articles and interviews, you can order a copy of the first summer issue of the InCompany by Attire Club magazine. Each issue is a journal of the fashion world, focusing mostly on menswear, from a global and unique perspective.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. We want to hear from you! What did you make of the magazine? Which article was your favorite? Who would you like to see featured in the pages of InCompany by Attire Club? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!