Politics Magazine

Those Wanting Biden To Drop Out Are Making A Big Mistake

Posted on the 01 July 2024 by Jobsanger
Those Wanting Biden To Drop Out Are Making A Big Mistake 

President Biden did not meet Democratic hopes in the debate last week. That has some calling for him to drop out of the race. That would be a mistake that would cost Democrats the 2024 election - and it could even reverberate down ballot and cost them the House and Senate.

It would open the nomination for a fight among Democratic delegates as to who would replace him on the ticket just four months before the election. It would give the voting public the impression that the Democratic Party is in a state of chaos. 

It could also divide the party at the very time they need to be coming together to keep Trump out of the White House. This is not the time to create hard feelings among the candidates that don't win and their supporters.

Most of the timid Democrats are also making a second mistake. They are listing a bunch of governors and senators as possible replacements, and totally ignoring the second-in-command of the most powerful democracy on the planet - Vice President Kamala Harris.

Not choosing VP Harris quickly would be a slap in the face to Black voters. She is competent, personable, and a very good campaigner - and they know it. Choose a different candidate, and the chances are very good that many Black voters will stay home on Election Day.

Democrats won in 2020 because Blacks overwhelmingly voted for them. And if they are to win in 2024, they need the same kind of turnout from Black voters. If even a small percentage of them sit out the election, Democrats will lose the White House and many down ballot races.

President Biden is the person voters chose to be the Democratic nominee. Changing that at this point (and without the choice of voters) would be a huge mistake - and it would very likely result in a Trump White House and a GOP House and Senate.

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