Food & Drink Magazine

Thorntons Special Toffee & Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate Blocks - Review

By Kev A @kevvieguy
Thorntons Special Toffee & Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate Blocks - Review
Thorntons recently announced the launch of their own chocolate blocks to compete with the likes of Dairy Milk and Galaxy, and by chance I happened to spot some whilst in WH Smiths the other day. The wrappers looked similar to Galaxy bars so I had to look twice!
Both contain Thorntons most well-known products: Special Toffee and Fabulous Fudge. It must have been a no-brainer to put them in bar form, after all most confectionery companies *cough* Mondelez! *cough* are putting their brands into chocolate bars these days.
Thorntons Special Toffee Milk Chocolate:
Thorntons Special Toffee & Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate Blocks - Review
This is described as "Toffee flavor milk chocolate with toffee pieces" and contains 30% cocoa solids. Opening the wrapper I was salivating...the chocolate had a lovely burnt toffee aroma that was very strong. The bar is split into blocks with cogs printed on, matching the "chocolate factory" themed wrapper, which I think is quite a fun design.
Thorntons Special Toffee & Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate Blocks - Review
The chocolate was very nice; smooth and milky with a nice cocoa flavor. The toffee flavor added a burnt sugar edge to it, which is quite unique as far as milk chocolates go. The toffee pieces added a further buttery, burnt sugar crunch, but there weren't enough for my liking. Still, it was a very moreish combination and reminded me of Dairy Milk with Daim.
Thorntons Special Toffee & Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate Blocks - Review
Overall, this is a very sweet bar, but very tasty!
RATING: 8 out of 10. 
Thorntons Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate:
Thorntons Special Toffee & Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate Blocks - Review
Out of the two bars this was the one that excited me's described as "Fudge flavor milk chocolate with fudge pieces" and contains 30% cocoa solids.
Thorntons Special Toffee & Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate Blocks - Review
Like the Special Toffee Bar it comes with cogs imprinted on the blocks, plus a smaller and larger block on each corner.
Thorntons Special Toffee & Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate Blocks - Review
The fudge smell was very inviting...I couldn't wait to get stuck in!
Thorntons Special Toffee & Fabulous Fudge Milk Chocolate Blocks - Review
The fudge pieces were very visible and luckily there seemed to be more of them than in the Special Toffee bar. Taste-wise the chocolate was lovely; very smooth with a creamy fudge flavour, and the fudge balls adding a soft buttery chew with each bite. It didn't take me long to wolf down most of the was very moreish!
RATING: 8.5 out of 10.
These new bars from Thorntons are very nice indeed, both combine good quality milk chocolate with buttery toffee flavours very well. Of course, they're probably only suitable for the very sweet-toothed among us! I do hope Thorntons consider doing a Liquorice Toffee block in that would be tasty and unique!
Price: £1 per 100g bar at WH Smith (RRP £1.59).
Suitable for vegetarians?: Yes.
Allergy Information: Both contain milk & soya. Both may contain nuts.

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