Director Taika Waititi
2h 10min | 3 November 2017 | Walt Disney Studios
Imprisoned, the almighty Thor finds himself in a lethal gladiatorial contest against the Hulk, his former ally. Thor must fight for survival and race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home and the Asgardian civilization

All I can say is finally. Over the years of Avengers films and individual ones, Thor has sort of become the MCU's running joke. The strong, good-looking Prince of Asgard who wasn't meant to be taken seriously. He had never truly had a moment to become the hero we needed him to be. While the rest of our Avengers have had their emotional journeys Thor's were usually overshadowed rather quickly and he went back to being the good-looking joke. I think the greater problem was that they never really properly acknowledged that role within the story and he was placed in these 'serious' storylines and stuck out awkwardly within them.
Finally, someone got it right, maybe it was the haircut or the destruction of his crutch of a hammer, but the movie started out treating everything around him as one big joke and continued throughout the film while managing to maintain a very real threat within the story line.
Thor finally evolves a character, as a hero, as a king of his people. By the end of the film I was rejoicing in the fact that he was finally the badass we knew he could be. Plus there's a lot of Loki in this movie which is reason enough to run out and see it! I am so happy to finally be able to say that I loved a Thor movie!