
This ‘smart Pajama’ Will Measure Heartbeat in Sleep, Monitor Health

Posted on the 16 September 2019 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619

Washington, Pret. Scientists have developed a portable pajama that can measure your heartbeat and breathing speed even in sleep with the help of sensors.

Researchers at the America’s University of Massachusetts, Amherst (UMM) said that the technology has developed so much today that
We can weave or sew such clothes to sleep which can monitor our health and can be helpful in the treatment of diseases.

UMM professor Trisha L. Andrew said that we were working on such technology through which smart clothes can be made, but the biggest problem in this was how to weave clothes that make the fabric feel rather than the sensor.

He said that people generally believe that holding tight instead of loose clothing is more beneficial for measuring physical and psychological signals, but in reality, it is not. Now we can measure physical and psychological signals by wearing pajamas.

Pressure activates sensor

Computer scientist Deepak Ganesan said that even though people wear loose pajamas, during sleep, there are many parts that touch our body. He said that the blanket and the posture we sleep in while sleeping put pressure on the pajamas. This activates the sensors on the pajamas and starts measuring the speed of our heartbeat and breathing. The researchers’ study is published in The Proceedings of the ACM Journal.

Fabric-based pressure sensor

Earlier, the researchers tested them by putting sensors on a loose pajama, but it could not prove to be more effective, because the person was facing a lot of difficulties in sleeping while wearing it and the test results were also not correct. To overcome this problem, the team of researchers designed a new fabric-based pressure sensor, which would activate when in contact with the body.

Developed data analytics

Researchers said that this sensor can be woven into loose-fitting clothing such as pajamas. They have also developed a data analytics to detect signals from multiple points that take into account the quality of the signal coming from each location. Researchers said that by wearing this pajama, you sleep in any pose, it keeps collecting data in the computer with the help of its sensors. He said that any person can be protected from serious diseases by this.

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