Family Magazine

. This Product Compliments Me Where I Feel Insecure in My Femininity , and Uplifts Me Where I Do Not Have Any More Anti Depressants.

By Rachel Rachelhagg @thehaggerty5

For two whole years I have dreamed of the day that I would endorse my very first product. I never dreamed it would be a company that never asked me to write about how wonderful their product was, but that the product would find me.

It was as if we were made for each other. This product compliments me where I feel insecure in my femininity , and uplifts me where I do not have any more anti depressants.

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As the magazine states, the advantages are obvious. Just looking at the before and after convinces me that I NEED this device to make my life better, happier. I love wine like the best of them, but I also lack confidence in the breast region.

Wouldn’t this solve my problem for needing wine on the go and needing to shop at Limited Two for the rest of my adult years? At the low price of $29.99 I could gain my confidence back as a woman, while discretely sipping on my favorite Merlot at a play date.

Just look at how small the tube is to sip the wine. Surely no one would notice at my C section support group that I am just getting a little confidence booster while sitting in my chair, listening to other women’s horror stories. If you think about this deeply, it could just be a way to nurse again after you are finished having children.

This can be a hard time for women, when they are no longer lactating. 

I think it is rather fashionable. Fashionable and classy enough to take to children’s birthday parties, Mommy play date groups, and even Sunday school. I think for the Sunday school I would add a flowy top to the mix. You know , to leave room for Jesus to move.

As far as postpartum care, sports bras are FANTASTIC for support for milk filled breasts. The wine just adds a touch of calmness, especially if your baby has colic. There’s nothing like recovering from birth with a never ending supply of wine.

I thought at first I would have an issue with my wine being rather warm, so I put an ice pack in the middle of my sports bra to keep things cooler in there. We all know how heated things can get in the middle of the day when you are screaming at your four year old to pull her pants back up. The yard is no place to urinate.

The ice pack really keeps the wine at a temperature that I prefer, as apposed to the boiling red wine seeping out of my bra, causing my children to call 911. There is no top to place on the boiling wine. No temperature gauge. It’s allllllll NATURAL.

” Momma just had a heart attack, or something. Her heart just busted because I refused to clean up the Dorrito’s off of my bedroom floor!”

With this product I feel more secure at playdates with new Moms . I am more Friendly, and confident.  I can wear a size Medium if I fill the bra up all the way. Even if I never sip the wine, I feel more like a woman as the cup expands, as I am fearful of it bursting in a Chic Fila booth.

Mind you now, that this item does not come with the wine itself. That will have to be purchased on your own. If you are having a hard time making ends meet, you can also use tap water.

The whole feel good , relaxing result will be different from previous reviews I have read.

Boxed wine is the easiest and cheapest way to wear the newest fashion trend.

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