For the next week, if you click over to LivingSocial’s National Deals page, you’ll see a wonderful offer where you can pay $25 to LivingSocial, and they’ll turn that into a $50 donation to the USO to purchase care packages for troops stationed far away to remove them of home and to let them know that we’re thinking about them and grateful to them for preserving the freedom we’ll be celebrating next week on Independence Day.
The care packages contain goodies like snacks, toiletries, phone cards, and other great items that will keep our troops connected. As of this writing, over 23,000 people have purchased this already, but of course there’s a lot more to go to cover as many of our troops as possible.
Oh, one more thing–as thanks for your generosity, the USO will send YOU a T-Shirt as well. So in one fell swoop, you can turn $25 into $50 towards a care package, PLUS get a great T-Shirt to further help spread the message to support our troops.
This deal lasts only 8 more days from this writing, so head on over to LivingSocial now!