Most people have seen the film ‘Yes Man.’ It’s the one where Jim Carey makes a conscious decision to start reacting positively to any and (perhaps stupidly) all opportunities that come his way.
Now maybe ambitiously, my 2014 resolution is similar, to start saying ‘yes’ to more things, even if they scare me slightly. And this weekend I got to put it into practice; saying yes to the awesome offer to co-host the #QMFUK Film Festival at MediaCity, Manchester, with urban alternative singer Rikette, poet Dominic Berry and presenter/comedian Lee Peart.
Being far more comfortable behind the camera, I haven’t presented anything for a while; and quite honestly the prospect of digging out a suit and public speaking for over 5 hours was daunting… but in the same way so impossibly exciting that I just couldn’t turn down such an awesomely generous offer.
Along with kindly showcasing some of my viral film material (including #LoveAlwaysWins and Homecoming,) I also got the chance to interview on-stage a variety of talented directors, artists and filmmakers. These included Producer/Writer Craig Daniel Adams, Director Bruno Collins, Composer Jack Hawitt, Daily Mirror Producer Robert Midgely and Intermedia Founder Jo Welch. Make sure you go follow them on Twitter.
Quite honestly the beginning of this year has been a huge struggle of priorities – not really knowing which project to give the most amount of energy to. But after meeting so many inspiring creatives this weekend, I now have a greater understanding of where my own year should go. I guess saying yes to something slightly scary and diving in actually helps open you up to new ways of thinking and eventually gives you the inspiration and direction you need to move forwards.Big thanks to journalist Jamie Starboisky for putting the festival together at MediaCity and Elizabeth Chandler for photography.
Stay tuned for videos released over the next few weeks.