Family Magazine

This is the Real Me, All the Time.

By Rachel Rachelhagg @thehaggerty5

It’s really easy to be friends with someone on Facebook, or even follow their blog and make assumptions about their lives. I’m guilty of it too. The comparisons that come with evaluating your own life while viewing Sally’s new hair do, and all the time she had today so mop her whole house while you sat on the sofa with a sick child. Begging for endless amounts of Goldfish, but you said no because they needed to be eating a banana. But they hate banana’s because you do , so you handed them the Goldfish and vitamin C then made them take a nap while you blogged. 

I was recently accused of being one person on my blog , and another in person. This made me laugh because who has time to do this? All the time I spend writing and sharing my heart would be pointless if I didn’t live it out, right? 

blog again

Let me tell you guys something:

I don’t have all of life’s answers , or all the spiritual advice that you need. I’m not the perfect Mom, or wife, or friend. I make mistakes, just like you do and I have to ask for forgiveness. My kitchen floor hasn’t been mopped in like two weeks and I am in dire need of a date night with my husband who has been so busy and stressed with our business that we fall asleep each night without kissing eachother goodnight because we are so exhausted. Our heads hit the pillow and out we go. The romance has been so high this week that I am using my baby blanket on my side because our room gets as cold as Alaska in winter.

BUT! let me tell you something else. When you read my blog, I promise I am just me. I am being honest. I write because I love people, and I love sharing my life…if it can help others. I love being a connector of women everywhere and them having a safe place to laugh and cry reading my words and rantings.

That being said, when we are vulnerable enough to share our hearts, whether on the internet or in person we can become intimidating to people who hide their issues and faults. When we are honest and trustworthy we can become a thorn in someones side that doesn’t want to hear the truth. This is not a fault of ours, but rather a testimony that He brings truth into our lives. He is just and righteous and good. 

When we are honest in a loving nature the result may not always be positive. This doesn’t reflect the right or wrongness of it, it only reflects that persons heart towards being called out. The fact is that we cannot base the reaction of hurting people to whether we have done the right thing. Hurting people say hurtful things, and we must…MUST let it roll of our shoulders before the poison of their words hits our blood stream, right into our hearts.

Confrontation isn’t my thing. I don’t like to argue, and will admit when I am wrong. I try to be teachable and constantly stretch myself to try new things, and change things up when I can.

So, hello. My name is Rachel Haggerty. This is my blog that I write about my chaotic life in hopes you will be encouraged, or just laugh.

blog matt

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