Sports Magazine

This Is Hands Down The Best Strategy for Improving Your Tennis Game

By Jen Campbell @TennisLife_Mag

Every tennis player knows (should know) that if they improve their weaknesses they will improve their game. But, do they do it? Nooooooooooo! Why not? When practicing, most players prefer to work on what they do best because it’s easier and it feels good — not exactly a formula for success. But that’s my point! How can you expect to be better than your opponents if you are doing the same thing they are which is only working on your strengths? You’ve got to do things differently in order to separate yourself from the other players, and that means focusing on improving your weaknesses.

Tennis lessons can help improve your weaknesses, but the problem there is that most players consider the lesson to be their practice. In-between lessons they go right back to practicing their strengths. Even worse are those players who consider their matches to be practice, so they don’t work on their weaknesses at all!

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I’m going to challenge you right now. How about this: for one month, go out and practice any weakness you have (if you have more than one, pick just one) for 30 minutes a week. That’s right, just 30 minutes a week! Then, watch what happens at the end of a month. I can hear you thinking now, “That’s not much time at all!” My answer to that is, you’re right, it’s not much time, but it’s a lot more than what you’re giving it now, am I right? I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised at the improvement you will see!

Your takeaway for today is: DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!

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