Today is my thirtieth birthday. Yes, 30. To be completely honest I am not exactly sure how I feel about this. This is a BIG year. I have never been one to harp or be afraid of entering a new year but knowing that I am entering a new decade in kind of daunting.
I remember turning twenty. In my head it was like looking at a rode map or an outline of ‘things to come’. From being able to legally drink, graduating from college, finding my first post college job, the hopes of getting married (or at that time finding a boyfriend); there was so much to look forward to and in my head I could somewhat ‘guess’ what was ahead. When I turned twenty my ‘rode map’ seemed breezy. Looking back now, it was anything but that but that’s for another post (trying to keep it light here).
Today, as I think about the next 10 years, I really don’t know where I will be. I have a few guesses as to things along the way (starting a family, continuing to grow my career) but I honestly do not have a clue what the next ten years will hold or what the next year will hold for that matter. As someone who is SUCH a planner that is kind of intimidating to me but at the same time I am so ok with not knowing what’s ahead.
I have all that I could ever need in this world. A loving husband, two of the sweetest puppies, a roof over my head and a family that will cheer me on along the way. So here is to a new year decade. I cannot wait to continue this crazy journey and share bits and pieces along the way with all of you! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for following along. My little space on the internet would not exist without all of you! xx

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