Fashion Magazine

Thinking About Nurseries…

By Whatyoufancy @whatufancy

This is a surreal post to be writing. Y’see, Tom and I are expecting a baby in the summer. The most wonderful and scary sentence to type out. So, that’s a pretty big change coming up… and me being me, I’ve decided it’s probably best not to get to get too stuck into the ‘oh-my-god-this-is-one-of-the-biggest-life-changes-you-can-do’ reality of it all – denial, my friends – and concentrate on interior decor. Obviously we’re thinking about all the other stuff too, but since this blog focuses largely on interiors, I’m not going to bore you with pregnancy gripes and travel system dilemmas (uh-huh, I know. Apparently kids don’t just ride around in pushchairs these days, they’re now called ‘travel systems’, and it’s a minefield.)
Anyway, back to the fun stuff. Having a baby means decorating a nursery, and my secret ‘nursery inspiration’ Pinterest board that’s been lurking for months can finally come into play. The further I got into the design process, the more I realised that what I’m aiming for is basically just an extension of the light and bright aesthetic I have going on in the rest of the house. As in, light walls with furniture, artwork and accessories providing the interest and color. We don’t know what we’re having, and we’re not planning on finding out before B-day, so it also has to be gender-neutral. Here are some of the pins that had my creative juices going…
Nursery inspo via {what you fancy}
{Yes, I realize there’s a lot of pink going on in these rooms – I tend to get drawn to it in interiors – but I can always rein that back if a boy comes along…}
And here’s a quick e-design to show you where I’m currently at. The room is pretty small – RIP home office/my junk room – so I didn’t want to overcrowd it with furniture. It’ll have a cot, a rocking chair and one of IKEA’s finest… the Kallax (does anyone design rooms anymore that don’t include a Kallax of some kind?!)There’ll be plenty of other bits and bobs that haven’t made my little collage, and I’m working on having the built-in cupboard turned into a wardrobe, but hopefully in a couple of months time it’ll be ready for the big reveal.
Gender neutral nursery e-design via {what you fancy}
So, what do you think so far?

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