We are excited about all the new readers to our blog. A WARM welcome!
Gijs and I are pleased to introduce Thinkibility Nibbles and Boosts. We thought it would be great for our readers to have some longer posts mixed with short inspirational posts.
Thinkibility Nibbbles
- Weekly blogposts – so pop in often to check for updates.
- Nibbles may include a video, a link to an article or idea. There will be thinking games, news, puzzles, and thinking activities.
Thinkibility Boosts
- Twice-monthly blogposts, or thereabouts.
- A longer post, or a number of posts on a certain theme.
The theme for our first Thinkibility Boost has an intriguing name, and we hope you will like it.
Here is the first Thinkibility Nibble, let’s start with a some music. Opera. Or rather a opera singer and some well, you need to watch the video. . .
New ideas are often rejected, often before you even reflect over why you dislike the idea. Emotions help as make decisions, yet sometimes we need to explore why we instantly reject an idea.
Feeling and Emotions
- What is your gut feeling about the idea to use opera as a tool to grow food.
Other animal’s and people’s view
- What would your grandma think about the idea.
- Your mum?
- Your great grandchildren?
- Your neighbours?
- Your pets?
Bio-mimicry is a creative tool.
- How can you use this idea as inspiration for new ideas?
Go here to read more about Burton Nitta and Algaculture.
Photo: “Light with bokeh Background” by Victor Habbick