Squid Vicious? No way, punk! These 10 cute squids have got eight arms to hold you, they're suckers for affection and you don't have to be a Sperm Whale or a seafood aficionado to enjoy them.
Squidget Goes Hawaiian

This cute li'l critter is a Hawaiian Bobtail Squid. He's just checking you out but make no mistake, his tentacles are tempted to tickle you! (cute squid image via The Meniscus)
Hands Up!

The Striped Pyjama Squid has two cute little “hand” thingies reaching upwards behind its eyes. Awww... just be glad they're not reaching for YOU! (cute squid image via Best-Diving.org)
Jewels Verne

This l'il gal doesn't need to wear jewelry... she IS jewelry! Like our first cute squid this is also a Bobtail Squid though she hails from Indonesia, far to the west of Hawaii. Depth unknown, possibly 20,000 leagues. (cute squid image via Matthew Oldfield)
The Grin Reaper

Don't fear the Reaper... not this one, at least. The Piglet Squid depicted above only looks like a piglet though it most definitely is a squid. It also only looks like it's smiling but for lovers of Teh Kyut that's more than close enough. (cute squid image via Zooillogix)
The Midas Touch

We're not sure why this golden-skinned squid appears to be so happy. Maybe it only looks that way: it could actually be having a bad tentacle day of epic proportions. We're going with both. (cute squid image via Vi.sualize.us)
Berry Nice to Meet You!

Here's a shy guy who's not quite ready for his closeup though he's sure snuggling up close to that green thing, whatever it is. His deep magenta hue evokes the look of grapes, plums, raspberries and currants. Our berry good friend just might be a cuttlefish, a cephalopod closely related to squids, but he can stay on this list because he's (wait for it)... a cuddly fish. (cute squid image via TravelPod)
“I Do Declare, Mah Southern Dumpling”

They say the Southern Dumpling Squid is “more commonly seen at night.” The most common thing WE see at night is, er, darkness. In related news, somebody's been beaming searchlights into the sea off Australia. (cute squid image via The Ocean)
Omniscient Squid Knows Your Secrets

It knows all, sees all, and evidently it's all right with it – all that's missing is an exaggerated wink and a whispered “Your secret is safe with me... for now.” (cute squid image via Florida Museum of Natural History)
Quit While You're a Head

This Cranchid Balloon Squid would like to make something perfectly clear: itself. Gotta pity this guy, if he cheats on his diet everyone knows. (cute squid image via TECH Kings)
Piglet Squid or Punk Rock Lobster?

From its porcine “nose” (actually a siphon) to the spiky mohawk hairdo (actually its tentacles), the Piglet Squid just screams “CUTE!!” That is, it would if it could, which it can't. You try talking hundreds of feet below the surface of the ocean while swimming upside down – the result in that case will be anything BUT cute. (cute squid image via Lingra at DeviantArt)

It seems there's a lot more to squids than meets the eye, and their lives and lifestyles are much more varied and interesting than most would imagine. We couldn't imagine actually BEING one, though fans of Adult Swim's Squidbillies might disagree. Don't fret, Appalachian Mud Squid wannabes, thank karma for reintarnation! (cute squid image via Idle Hands)