I saw this post on Neely's blog the other day and literally laughed out loud as I was reading through so I wanted to do something similar. I'm sure some will agree with me here!
Heels- My husband will argue with me on this because he loves when I wear them ( maybe because I never do!) but I can never wear them! I'm pretty uncoordinated at times anyways so add a few inches and I'm a nightmare at times. I swear I'm going to break my ankle so no heels for this girl!
Staying Up Late- I've never been one to do it. In fact, my Mom used to tell me when I was little I would always put myself to bed when I was tired. 30 years later, I'm still finding myself crawling under the covers between 8:30-9pm like clockwork. My friends may make fun of me when I do go out and start to yawn around this time. Yes I welcome to Grandma remarks but I love my sleep!
Scary Movies- I'm the worst. I jump at everything! I mean, a crack sounds or someone just pops in around the corner- nope I can't do it. I may have gone once or twice to a scary movie when Zach and I were first dating but I kept telling him it was a waste of money to spend on me because I'll be in the fetal position the entire time.
Roller Coasters- Going along with being scared, I'm terrified of roller coasters. Blame my awful motion sickness but I'm not a happy camper if people want to go Six Flags for the day. Luckily my toddler is starting to get on the trend of running and spinning ( barf! ) so I know she'll be happy to go on the big rides with her Dad when she gets older. No worries kid, I'll be on my next batch of cotton candy and cheering you on!
The Walking Dead- Since moving to Georgia almost two years ago, there are several locations near the northern Georgia area where the show is filmed. So many of my coworkers and friends are shocked that I've never watched an episode before but I can't get on the band wagon. Maybe it's the creepy part of zombies walking around but I just can't.
What does everyone love but you don't?